On January 15, 2023, Indian Army Chief General Manoj Pande announced that the Battle Squads of the terrestrial force will be converted into “Integrated Battle Groups”.
The esteemed officer launched the initiative on the occasion of India’s 75th Army Day in the Govindaswami Drill Parade Ground, Bengaluru. The main aim behind this announcement was to transform the Army from a manpower-intensive to a technologically intensive force with an extensive focus on “soldiers”.
The provision of modern weapons and equipment will be an integral part of the process.
Additionally, the Army Chief stated that the initiative was taken to improve the teeth-to-tail ratio of the Army by effective modernisation and technological infusion. He added that old units will be disbanded and newer ones will be revamped with suitable changes.
Continuing, he said that the new mantra of the Indian Armed Forces is Modernity to Self-Reliance. The Indian Defence Industry is rising to this challenge with competence.
The Army Chief said that the Army is moving towards a partnership from a buyer-seller relationship with the Indian Defence industry. This will be done through a process of hand-holding.
Certain niche technologies like Artificial Intelligence, quantum computing, blockchain and unmanned systems are being indigenised as well. He said the Indian Army will fight and endure future wars with Indian Solutions.
Infrastructure and logistics development are important components of the Indian Army’s operational preparedness. To boost these, all the requirements will be connected and coordinated with the national logistics policy as a result of the launch of PM Modi’s Gatishakti Initiative.
He added that the Indian Army is determined to work with all agencies and departments in the country’s progress.
Indian Army Day is celebrated annually on January 15. This was the day when Field Marshal KM Cariappa became the Indian Army’s first Commander-in-Chief in 1949.
This is the first occasion where the Army Day Celebrations have been held outside the national capital Delhi.