History of communism a long past over a century has proved it beyond doubt that the worst enemy of the communist regimes and communist leaders has been the blatant white lies which they generated effectively and spread successfully to achieve their aims. Right since the days the Russian communists started their revolution which finally fructified as successful ‘October Revolution’ in 1917, falsehood and deception have been the most trusted, accepted and practised tool that they have ever resorted to befool and conquer their enemies. No wonder that this art worked in so many parts of the world and we had a plethora of communist countries which were ruled by some of the most ruthless dictators. So much so that at one stage in the second half of 20th century it appeared as if the entire globe was going to be painted red with countries like USSR, China, Cuba, Laos, North Korea, Vietnam, Cambodia, Mongolia, Yemen, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Albania, Angola, Benin, Congo, Ethiopia, Somalis, Eritrea, Mozambique and others becoming communist nations.
But the other part of this story is that the communist dictators started believing in their own created lies to such an extent as they became oblivious to the pain which they had inflicted on their own subjects. This blunder proved to be their waterloo as the phenomenal spread of mass communication tools like international radio, telephone and the advent of new technologies of mass outreach like the TV and internet exposed their white lies before their own people who finally revolted against them. Starting with the fall of communism in Poland in 1989 the push came to a shove and a large number of citadels of communism including the Soviet Union fell like the proverbial house of cards. It was only China, Cuba, Laos, North Korea and Vietnam that survived the Tsunami as their respective communist dictators were still successful in maintaining their grip over their iron curtain.
Of this lot of survivors, China has proved to be an outstanding case which, despite becoming an economic and military superpower on the strength of its deep international business relations with the world, has been successful in keeping the lid over its subjects tight. China’s communist masters, like Deng Xiaoping, Jiang Zemin and the present President Xi Jinping have been quite successful in keeping the population insulated from the international influences and by feeding it with their own set of lies and propaganda. But now with the ongoing unprecedented surge of Covid-19 going out of hand disproportionately, it seems that the art of management with lies and deceptions is meeting its end. Xi’s all claims about the efficacy of his much touted Chinese vaccines; ineffective medicines and utterly disastrous management of ‘Zero Covid’ policy have proven false and the communist regime is facing the anger of ordinary Chinese masses for first time after the famous 1989 democratic uprising of China.
In a country where a single utterance against the all mighty communist party or its senior leaders can land any citizen to be consigned to the vast black hole of Chinese jails and firing squads, ordinary mothers and youths came out openly in the streets across China to protest against Xi’s failure in managing the spread of Covid-19 and his ‘Zero Covid’ policy. It was first time in 33 years after Jiang Zemin’s army tanks crushed thousands of young Chinese to douse the uprising which was demanding end of communist rule and calling for the democracy that ordinary people poured in China’s streets demanding Xi’s resignation. As if all this was not enough for Xi Jinping who was forced to wink first in front of public anger and lift controls over incarceration, sudden resurgence of the deadly infection across China has badly exposed every claim which he and his communist party apparatus have been making since the outbreak of the virus first in late 2019 in Wuhan. It is not that China is the only country which has been afflicted by this deadly and fatal pandemic. But thanks to Xi’s policy of keeping every inconvenient truth under the wrap of its iron curtain and feeding the world and its population with a set of lies and concocted data, China happens to be the only country where people have risen up against their own regime for mismanagement of Covid-19.
Xi Jinping’s misfortune started sometime in November 2019, when the deadly SARS-coV-2 virus, later branded as ‘Covid 19’ said to have emanated and escaped from China’s strategic virus laboratory in Wuhan which has been notorious for experimenting with and developing weapons of biological warfare
Since the onset of Covid19 in early 2020, an independent agency worldmeters.info has been compiling live figures about 228 countries, based on the official data as reported by the respective governments on the spread of this disease. According to this compilation, more than 663 million (over 66.3 crore) confirmed cases of Covid-19 with nearly 6.7 million (67 lac) deaths had been reported till the time of writing this analysis. Interestingly, China stands at 102nd place in this list – far below even tiny countries like Cuba, Nepal, Latvia, Cyprus and Reunion. The list shows USA at the top with over 10 cr 23 lac cases with over 11 lac deaths. It is followed by India 44.67 cases and 5.3 lac deaths; France 3.92 cr and 1.61 lac; Germany 3.72 cr and 1.6 lac. Even a small country like Honduras with just 1.01cr population reported 4.63 lac cases and 11,063 deaths as compared to China of over 214cr population whose rulers claimed that only 41.2 lac Chinese were afflicted by the virus out of which only 5245 died-less than half of the toll in Honduras.
President Xi Jinping’s misfortune started sometime in November 2019, when the deadly SARS-coV-2 virus, later branded as ‘Covid-19’ escaped from China’s strategic virus laboratory in Wuhan which has been notorious for experimenting with and developing weapons of biological warfare. It is still a matter of debate whether this escape was an intentional attempt to measure its effectiveness or it was merely a laboratory accident which lead to its first spread in the Wuhan city which is largest city of central China and shelters over 1.2cr people. The city is hugely mobile due to its various industrial activities in fields like optic-electronic, automobile manufacturing, iron and steel manufacturing, new pharmaceutical sector, biology engineering, new materials industry and environmental protection. The city has attracted big investment from over 80 countries and is home to some internationally popular auto brands like Honda, Citroen, GM and Renault. The local population includes millions of migrant industrial workers, and foreign businessmen and experts.

On the first go when a strange and deadly fever spread into the city, the Chinese government refused to admit its existence. Later when the news spread like a wild fire through the Chinese social media and afflicted foreigners, Beijing tried to link it to some infected animals like the bats which are commonly sold in local meat markets. Pushing back international pressure to reveal the real source and nature of the virus, Beijing used its money bag influence over international agencies like the World Health Organization (WHO) who very obediently claimed that the virus was not dangerous and could not spread from one human being to another. Simultaneously China refused to share scientific data with international scientists and laboratories and also stopped any foreign scientists, including WHO to visit Wuhan. This game of ping-pong wasted a critical period of two months before the virus spread to many cities of China and countries. The first case reported by WHO outside China was on 13th Jan, 2020 from Thailand.
On the home front too Xi played hard ball in keeping the public anxiety under control. Strict measures like mass testing, erecting of massive quarantine facilities and strict controls over public movement between cities and provinces were enforced to keep Covid 19 spread under control. These measure did work well in the beginning but with emergence of new variants of the virus and the efficacy of Chinese vaccines proving below par, Xi’s administration used high handedness in suppressing public anger by forcing millions of citizen in dozens of cities under house quarantine. Force used in moving out affected people from their homes to distant quarantine camps, failure of the administration to provide necessary medicines, provisions, electricity and financial support to people kept closed in their homes for months together ( unlike all provisions extended adequately to Covid patients in India) finally broke the threshold of public anger. Xi’s use of exploiting the national lockdown for quietly arresting his political opponents within the CCP hierarchy and cadres before his third coronation during the 20th Congress in October, too helped his opponents to promote public anguish and grudge against the Xi administration. Interestingly as Xi was finally forced to lift the lockdown and lift ongoing restrictions to relieve himself from the political pressure the solution has led to another bigger problem. Entire China is now undergoing an unprecedented spread of Covid 19 which has further exposed the weakness and inefficiency of the national health structure.
Flaunting true Chinese nature of presenting itself as ‘the first’ in every field, Xi’s government was the first to claim about having invented a vaccine against Covid 19. Over the past 36 months China’s drug regulator has approved seven Covid 19 vaccines. Though not even one of these vaccines has conclusively proved its efficacy, yet Beijing has used its financial and political influence over dozens of indebted countries to force them to import vaccines, medicines, equipment and protective gear from China. These countries are now bewildered at seeing how the Chinese vaccines and medicines have failed in their home itself. It is, therefore, not surprising that the world is amused at Chinese government encouraging black market sale of cheaper and effective Indian vaccines and drugs across China. In a country where nothing can enter without approval of CCP bosses, large consignments of these Indian medicines are finding their way and foraying into China via Singapore. The Nepalese too were surprised on the 28th December, 2022 when China suddenly announced lifting of months old ban on entry of Nepalese trucks and goods from entering into Tibet. Business experts are convinced that this new step of China is a part of its desperate attempt to import Indian drugs at a faster pace and cheaper price via Nepal because once these consignments reach the railhead in Tibet’s Shigatse they can reach the rest of China in a jiffy through the bullet trains.
The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) under Xi’s plans has been known for spending billions of dollars on its campaign of winning over media, public influencers, social media warriors especially the ‘Shabd-Bahadur’ army (word-warriors) of Twitter, and policy makers across the world. The impact of this policy of CCP has been overtly visible over past three years as Covid-19 spread across the continents and has severely dented financial and social fabric of too many countries. In this context it would be quite interesting to note how the ‘Woke-Biradari’ of India, supported by the all-pervasive international woke media groups like the New York Times, Washington-Post, BBC, Time Magazine, Guardian and CNN has been running full steam and working overtime to paint the performance of the Modi government on the Covid-19 front as useless and ineffective.
Xi was finally forced to lift the lockdown and lift ongoing restrictions to relieve himself from the political turmoil and pressure that the resolve initiated has led to another bigger problem, thereby setting in a vicious cycle
This sudden turn of events in China is once again proving not only efficacy of Indian medicines and vaccines but also the effectiveness of the Indian Government’s success in keeping the dreaded virus under control. During early Crona virus days the world was amused and excited watching kings and queens of Indian media’s ‘Woke-Biradari’ who were squatting inside the Indian crematoriums with their laptops to add live colour to their already tainted stories on the dead. This biradari also added a dash of excitement to the gloom of death as they rushed with their zoom lenses to Varanasi and Prayagraj to present the traditional ‘Jal-Visarjan’ of the dead bodies into the holy Ganga as a living-proof of the death of Indian public health services at the hands of Covid-19. But people are amused to note that the likes of Washington Post who would run full-page news stories to show how entire India was helplessly dying due to surge in the pandemic and Modi Government’s ‘utter failure’ in handling the crisis, have suddenly lost interest in Covid-19.
Just to have the taste of how the ‘Shabd-Bahadur’ army of the Twitterati and the ‘Woke-Biradari’ of India dealt with Covid-19 here are a few samples. One of the best known names is Saba Naqvi (@_sabanaqvi May 19, 2021) who looked overjoyed at the great achievements of loving China and ashamed of her motherland India. “Some good news from Vaccine world. China is vaccinating 14 million each day. Just digest that.” Yet another great soldier of the Twitter world is Dinesh Gundu Rao who is a Congress Committee member and in charge for Tamil Nadu. In his twitter post (@dineshgrao – May 19, 201) he took pride in China and made no efforts to hide his shame of being an Indian Borrowing a propaganda vaccination photo of China from the South China Morning Post (this newspaper used to be an independent and brave media unit from Hong Kong before it was bought over by China few years ago for CCP propaganda), he wrote “China is vaccinating 15 million a day now. India is now at 1.6 million. At this our ‘Vishwaguru’ will take years to vaccinate all.”
The enthusiasm of this ‘Shabd-Bahadur’ army is so infectious that none of them wants to be left behind in singing paeans for the communist China. Rina Chandran, yet another influencer, looked dazed even from a few thousand km away from China. In her Twitter post (@rinachandran June 10, 2021) she wrote “China is vaccinating a staggering 20 million people a day. It aims to produce some three billion doses of Covid-19 vaccines in 2021-and up to five billion per year after that.”
A serious look at the background of these individuals and army of public influencers would show that all their enthusiasm and energy comes from their hatred for PM Modi and frustration with the current ruling of NDA and not from the concerns about Indian people and nation’s problems with Covid-19. Otherwise they would have surely flooded the Twitter with Xi’s covert campaign of smuggling Indian vaccines and medicines to overcome his own failures. No one can say that in Indian democracy it is a sin or a crime to oppose your Prime Minister, hate the ruling dispensation or praise another country? But one can surely say the suddenly turn of events in China has put a serious question on the credibility of its communist rulers and of those who are knowingly or unknowingly playing China’s games and gimmicks in India.