Visakhapatnam (Andhra Pradesh) [India], (ANI): Amidst the drive to ‘crush’ the Cannabis plantation in Andhra Pradesh, Director General of Andhra Police Rajendranath on Wednesday said that 7500 acres of Cannabis cultivation have been destroyed in the state since last year.”1,599 cases have been registered and 1,32,000 kg of cannabis has been seized so far in the state due to the efforts of the Police”, said AP DGP in his statement. He further stated that the police seek support from the tribal farmers to farm alternative cultivation. Stating about the cases that have been filed so far in the matter, DGP stated that the police have identified the accused from 12 states of the country. DGP further informed that the arrests of the accused will be made soon, with the cooperation of the states where the accused belong. The Andhra DGP talked at length about various issues persisting in the state and briefed about the police’s plans and preparedness.
Speaking about the issues of the states, the DGP informed that the police are soon going to organize a conference on the border cannabis and red sandalwood in Tirupati soon. He further stated that some Maoist activities are still continuing in the Andhra-Orissa border areas and that police are trying their best to curb them. “At present, continuous combing of Maoist-affected areas in the Andhra-Orissa border area is going on with a plan to make them unitary”, said DGP in his statement. When questioned about the recent attack on the opposition leader and ex-CM Chandrababu Naidu, the DGP said that the investigation is underway in the case. Speaking about the incident, DGP informed that, “somebody threw a stone at Chandrababu Naidu, and his security officials got injured. The culprit has not yet been identified”. Briefing further about the incident, he said, “Something went wrong at the Visakhapatnam airport. We know when we need to act. We are currently investigating the case”.
The DGP further talked about the increasing number of cybercrimes and stated that training programs on cybercrime complaints are being conducted at all police stations across the state. The training is being conducted by the Anantapur Police Training Center.DGP further briefed about the process involved in the case of cyber complaints and stated that when cases related to cybercrime are being registered separately. The police further proceed in the case with a standard operating system in a pre-planned approach. Stating further about raising awareness, the DGP stated that people should be informed about fake loan apps and various cybercrimes through various programs and posters.DGP, talking about the availability of sufficient staff in the police force assured that the state government has approved the appointment of 6500 staff in the force and the police would take responsibility for the appointments soon. (ANI)