With all humility at my behest and that I can summon, let me highlight that the media reports of discussions at the highest level to provide aid to Pakistan can be compared to “Feeding Milk to a Snake”.
Of course, PM Modi had expressed on 29 August 2022 “heartfelt condolences” in the tweet posted on his official account: “Saddened to see the devastation caused by the floods in Pakistan. We extend our heartfelt condolences to the families of the victims, the injured and all those affected by this natural calamity and hope for an early restoration of normalcy.”
A day later, that is, on 30 August 2022, media reported that discussions are underway at the highest levels on the possibility of India extending humanitarian aid to Islamabad. If cleared, it will be the first time since the BJP government came to power in 2014 that India will be extending aid to Pakistan on account of a natural disaster.
On 31 August 2022, as per Indian media reports, Pakistan PM Shehbaz Sharif tweeted: “I thank Indian PM Narendra Modi @narendramodi for condolences over the human & material losses caused by floods. With their characteristic resilience the people of Pakistan shall, InshaAllah, overcome the adverse effects of this natural calamity & rebuild their lives and communities.”
Ipso facto, Pakistani leadership is “Janus-faced”. PM Shehbaz Sharif has made an explicit statement in his reply given whilst interacting with media: “There wouldn’t have been problems about trading with India but genocide is going on there and Kashmiris have been denied their rights. Kashmir has been forcibly annexed through abolition of Article 370 referring to India’s 2019 decision to scrap the special status of Jammu and Kashmir and to split the region into two union territories.” Surely, it conveys his distrust and hatred.
On humanitarian grounds, giving aid to an embattled neighbor by the fury of floods may be considered fair and just. But, it needs to be pragmatically viewed from Pakistan’s ingrained historical animosity and the snakes – Islamist terrorist organizations – bred on its soil in pursuit of its strategic objectives – to seek revenge for debacle in 1971 war and to disintegrate modern India by thousand cuts.
Pakistan is a sworn enemy of India pursuing its long term end objective. Surely, Pakistan will continue to actively sponsor Islamist terror organizations to strike wherever an opportunity occurs all over India with the end objective of achieving liberation of J & K as the Phase 1. How apt is General BIPIN Joshi, former COAS, prediction in 1994 in his address at the National Police Academy, Hyderabad: ‘Islamic Crescent Envelopment of India?” How real is it now?
Let me highlight that escalation of Islamist terror strikes aided and abetted by the ISI continued as hitherto fore even after 2005 and 2010 all over India.
With all humility may I remind PM Modi, an ardent follower of Bhagavad-Gita, the essence of its sermons in brief. Four translated extracts are reproduced.
One, Srimad-Bhagavatam – SB 3.1.14 – While speaking thus, Vidura, whose personal character was esteemed by respectable persons, was insulted by Duryodhana, who was swollen with anger and whose lips were trembling. Duryodhana was in company with Karṇa, his younger brothers and his maternal uncle Śakuni. It is said that giving good counsel to a foolish person causes the fool to become angry, just as feeding milk to a snake only increases its venomous poison.
hree lessons of the recent past must be borne in mind during the discussions. One, Modi’s Lahore unannounced stopover in December 2015 that failed to yield any breakthrough for peace or peace dividends. Two, the lesson of Vajpayee “Lahore Bus Yatra” and the “Kargil Conflict”. Three, continuing terror strikes even after providing aid in the aftermath of 2005 earthquake and 2010 floods.
Two, SB Canto 4 – A serpent who is maintained with milk and bananas simply stores poison in his teeth and awaits the day to bite his master.
Three, SB 4.14.10 – The sages began to think within themselves: Because he was born from the womb of Sunīthā, King Vena is by nature very mischievous. Supporting this mischievous king is exactly like maintaining a snake with milk. Now he has become a source of all difficulties.
Four, SB 7.10.30 – My dear Lord Brahmā, O great lord born from the lotus flower, just as it is dangerous to feed milk to a snake, so it is dangerous to give benedictions to demons, who are by nature ferocious and jealous. I warn you not to give such benedictions to any demon again. And, SB Canto 8 – Demons are by nature crooked like snakes. Therefore, to distribute a share of the nectar to them was not at all feasible, since this would be as dangerous as supplying milk to a snake.
As per Pak official estimates, the damage due to floods is reported to be more than $10 billion. Knowing from the past experiences, it is quite common for natural disaster affected countries without verifying ‘real costs’ to project highly inflated costs of damages to get maximum sympathy and aid.
Already international aid and assistance is flowing/pouring into Pakistan. The IMF has approved the release of the much-awaited $1.1 billion loan. Also, the UN has allocated $3 million for U.N. aid agencies and their partners in Pakistan.
Aid from other nations include: EU – €1.8m; UK – £1.5 m; USA – $1m; Azerbaijan – US$2m; Qatar Red Crescent Society (QRCS) – $100,000; and so on. China, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Turkey and the United Arab Emirates have been rushing tents, food and other daily necessities.
On 29 August 2022, Pakistan’s finance minister Miftah Ismail told a media interaction that his country could consider importing vegetables and other food items from India to help people cope with the widespread destruction of crops in flash floods. On 31 August 2022, Ismail also stated “international agencies have approached the country’s government to allow imports from India through the land border, however, the Pakistan government can consider it only after assessing the supply shortage position after consulting with its coalition partners and key stakeholders.”
As per the latest news appearing in a section of the media like the IndiaTVnews, PM Modi is willing to provide assistance to Pakistan, but till date Pakistan has not sent formal requests to India.
The lesson of mankind’s history is simple – “None learns from its lessons”. Remember always that the Congress Party dismally failed to promote peace despite extending assistance in 2005 and 2010. Also, its Track-II diplomacy led by peace dove activists like Lahore born Mani Shankar Ayer failed dismally to restore peace in either J & K or elsewhere in the country.
“Wise/Sane Councils” in Delhi must be guided by ancient sages’ wisdom relevant for eternity. In no way, Modi can afford to let his ‘guard’ down and render aid in the hope of promoting peace. How can one shake hands with a sworn enemy? Three lessons of the recent past must be borne in mind during the discussions. One, Modi’s Lahore unannounced stopover in December 2015 that failed to yield any breakthrough for peace or peace dividends. Two, the lesson of Vajpayee “Lahore Bus Yatra” and the “Kargil Conflict”. Three, continuing terror strikes even after providing aid in the aftermath of 2005 earthquake and 2010 floods.
Recent lessons are grim reminders of Pak “Janus Faced” behavior. Pursuing peace with Pakistan is an illusion.
Be that as it may, my heart bleeds for the nation, fellow tax-payers and serving and veteran security forces personnel waging a grim struggle against Pakistan’s ISI sponsored terrorism over the past 3 decades.
Well human rights activists and the Lutyens’ Delhi left liberal lobby may justify PM Modi’s gesture of extending condolences to Pakistan’s flood victims and consider reopening trade. There are many “Fifth Columnists” masquerading as “peace doves”.
The lesson of mankind’s history is simple – “None learns from its lessons”.
Furthermore, PM Modi’s spokespersons and blind followers may also justify the offer by citing past precedents set up by the Congress Party that had extended assistance to Pakistan aid in the aftermath of earthquake in 2005 and floods in 2010.
In contrast, beginning in May 2022, floods have been ravaging many states to include: Assam; Bihar; Arunachal Pradesh; Meghalaya; Tripura; Gujarat; Telangana; Himachal Pradesh; Uttarakhand; Odisha; Kerala; Karnataka; and UP. Thousands of people have been displaced, houses damaged, crops destroyed and infrastructure damaged requiring massive aid and assistance for relief and rehabilitation and restore normalcy.
Yet, there has been hardly any UN and international aid flowing into India. If any, the BJP led NDA regime has been refusing foreign aid flow. At the same time, the Central Government has been providing assistance to states after verifying ‘real costs’ of damage, destruction and losses.
“Charity begins from Home” must be the guiding principle for providing aid/assistance in the case of natural calamities. India today is no economic superpower that it has surplus money to squander around on sworn enemies.
To sum up, providing aid and assistance to sworn enemy assisting and abetting terror strikes inside India is like “Feeding Milk to a Snake”. Pakistan will strike and spread terror at every single opportunity even in posterity.