‘Madhyamam’ Malayalam newspaper, linked with ‘Jamaat-e-Islami’, has suspended its senior correspondent Hasanul Banna for making pro-Taliban comments during a TV debate. As per the notice released by Madhyamam, Banna is suspended for seven days for violating the company’s social media policy and giving statements that are against the company’s views.
In multiple times, Madhyamam has been accused of spreading Islamist ideas through their platform. In 1996, when the Taliban had captured power for the first time, the Madhyamam had called the terrorist group a ‘Magic’. Also, this year when Kabul fell to the Taliban, Madhyamam gave the title ‘Invasion over, now an independent Afghan’.
Madhyamam was widely criticised for their pro-Taliban views. Sensing the problem in furthering pro-Taliban propaganda, Madhyamam decided to take action against Banna.