In this physical world, we live our whole life in different kinds of illusions and spend our entire life in its control. We cling to the world and are enchanted with its glitz due to the veil (Maya) of divine energy. This illusion keeps us busy in mundane activities and sticks to its fascination. Shri Krishna says in Srimad Bhagwad Gita – daivi hyesa gunamayi mama maya duratyaya mamaeva ye prapadyante mayametam taranti te (chapter 7; verse 14). It means – this mine is the most astonishing divine illusion comprising the three Gunas (three attributes of my nature viz. Sato, rajas and tamas gunas) are very difficult to overcome, but those who take my exclusive shelter and continuously adore me alone are able to crossover this very hard divine illusion (7-14).
Three attributes of nature force us to perform actions (Karam) and involve us in various activities controlled by the cosmic or divine illusions of several kinds. The vicious circle of ninety-nine always keeps us on the move to chase and achieve the one hundred. There are specific eternal laws and factors which make divine illusions (Maya) happen.
A. One law is short-lived memory, which makes us forget the ultimate reality (death) for some time until it revives again. During the forgetfulness of reality, we live in the world for mundane activities and daily chores. So, this factor of Maya keeps our hopes alive for worldly activities and hence the world goes on.
B. The other eternal law of Maya is we seek for permanence. We always like the permanent situation, anything temporary, we don’t like and always work for the permanent condition in this impermanent world.
C. The next law is, we strive for immortality and want security for our lifetime. The sense of belonging and ownness is also a factor for this illusion. Of course, our soul is immortal, which gives us this feeling.
D. The other eternal law of Maya is, the charm in life always lies in chasing. After the possession, the charm starts receding like the Law of Diminishing Returns. We miss a lot when the thing and person departs and when it is in contact and possession, we don’t value it.
E. The other principle is that we have different attractions at different stages of life. The attractions and priorities of childhood, adolescents, youth and married life and old age vary.
F. Human mind is the biggest factor of Maya. It is the cause of all fears, desires and other thoughts. Daydreaming and imagination is another phenomenon of Maya. All fiction writings, novels, movies etc., are based on imagination and distracting thoughts. The identification with the ideals of these imaginary sources gives pleasure for some time. But when we come out of it, we feel the impact of Maya.
G. Either of the two conditions bestowed by the nature of Maya, at any time; one is a union (sanyog), and the other is separation (viyog), remains in life. The union is a temporary situation, and the separation is the ultimate and permanent fact. In the Tamoguna attribute, sleep is the trait, which helps separation. Other than the biological need, separation (viyog) is the reason for the urge to sleep. When sleep is intense, one needs separation. The indulgence in different kinds of intoxicants is also due to the separation instinct. Laziness is also the outcome of the Tamasic attribute.
So everyone is spelled with the Maya, a difficult factor to overcome, but Shri Krishna assures those who surrendered unto me and adore me constantly can cross smoothly and free from mistaken beliefs and hurdles of the Maya.
The other way of becoming a gunateet (bypass the effects of attributes) crossing the divine illusion is given at the end of chapter 14 of Srimad Bhagavad Gita. Sri Krishna says he who regards pain and pleasure alike, considers lump of Earth, a stone and gold as equal, who looks steadily equal of pleasant and unpleasant, criticism and praise, honour and dishonour, friend and foe alike, relinquished the feeling of doership is said to have risen above the three attributes (Gunas). Who continuously remember with exclusive worship transcendents these three traits and makes one eligible for the realisation of the almighty and free from the divine illusion, which keeps in the state of delusion sometimes in this materialistic life.