Pakistan’s spy agency ISI has asked its proxy social media accounts to pose as Israelis and attack India. ISI is using more than 5000 fake Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp etc accounts to defame India globally
Through these fake accounts, they’re pushing a fake narrative.In the current Israel-Palestine conflict, ISI is pushing the narrative that Israelis hate India and don’t want their interference.
Since last Monday, Gaza based terror organisation Hamas has fired more than 4000 rockets in Israel.
Israel has retaliated in self-defence. The global powers have supported Israel’s right to self-defence.
CNN News18 reported the nefarious design of the ISI in an exclusive report.
The Indian intelligence agencies have identified more than 2500 WhatsApp accounts used for peddling anti-India narrative.
This is not the first time ISI has been caught doing it.
They have used all the events like India-China standoff, India-Nepal tension etc to peddle fake anti-India narrative.
ISI has been continuously fueling the anti-India narrative by aligning with the Khalistani elements in Canada, UK, US etc.