The National Investigation Agency (NIA) has arrested three Islamists from Kerala in connection with the Islamic State recruitment case. The NIA arrested Mohammad Amin, Mohammad Anuwar and Dr Rahis Rashid in connection with the raids held in 11 locations across the country, including 8 in the country.
In Kerala, raids took place in the districts of Kannur, Kasaragod, Malappuram and Kollam. NIA accused that a group of Islamists, led by Mohammad Ameen was running various ISIS propaganda channels on various social media platforms. They were also actively recruiting Muslim youth to ISIS. Regarding this NIA has registered case under sections 120B, 121 and 121A of IPC & Sections 17, 18, 18B, 20, 38 & 40 of UAPA on 05/03/2021.
NIA also revealed that these Islamists had planned to migrate to Jammu and Kashmir to engage in terror activities.
The investigative agency has confiscated several digital devices including laptops, mobile, hard disk, pen drives, SIM cards and ISIS-related documents during the raids.
These raids have raised serious questions about the expanding terrorist network in Kerala.