In a desperate attempt to turn Muslims against the central government, Suprabhatam Malayalam daily published fake news citing that the central government was unilaterally collecting data for the implementation of the Citizenship Amendment Act without informing Kerala government.
Suprabhatam Daily is owned by an Islamic body called ‘Samastha’. The 7th Economic Census conducted by the Union government in Kerala is dubbed as the CAA data collection. The complaint states that the content appeared on the paper “are targeted to spreading wrong, misleading, and fearful information to spread communal violence and insecurity among the minority communities, especially among the Muslim community.”
The news also points out that people affiliated to a particular political party are appointed as the volunteers for the data collection. The complaint accuses Suprabhatam Daily of trying to derail the 7th Economic census and fear-mongering among the Muslim community. The report had further stated “in the economic census the Union Government is collecting the details through a questionnaire which is used for collecting details related to the Citizenship Amendment Act.”
Last day Union Home Minister Amit Shah had made it public that the central government would implement CAA once the COVID vaccination program is finalised. Rattled Islamic fundamentalist organisations are trying hard to make this opportunity to trigger communal disharmony in India. Suprabhatam Daily had also given fake news that CAA related survey was taking place in Palakkad district in Kerala. The complaint against Suprabhatam Daily for peddling fake news is sent to Central Statistical Office and the Union government.