The Uttar Pradesh police have registered the first case under the newly promulgated ordinance on forced religious conversions ‘Love-Jihad’ law at Deorania Police station, Bareilly on Saturday, November 28, 2020.
Owais Ahmed, the first man to be booked under the new anti-love jihad law in Uttar Pradesh, since then the accused has escaped.
The case has been registered under Sections 504/506 IPC and section 3/5 of the ‘Vidhi Virudh Dharam Parivartan Adhiniyam’ (anti-conversion law) in this matter.
Additional Chief Secretary Awanish Awasthi, Home Department said that the case was registered by Tikaram, a resident of Sharif Nagar village under Deorania police station, Bareilly against Owais Ahmed who is also the resident of the same village of trying to convert his daughter through “allurement”.
The girl’s father has alleged that Owais had forced his daughter and built pressure on her to adopt Islam. Tikaram has also alleged that Owais was giving threats to the family because of their opposition to conversion.
Earlier on Saturday, (the same day the FIR was lodged) Uttar Pradesh Governor Anandiben Patel gave assent to the ordinance against forcible conversions, after which Unlawful Conversion of Religion Ordinance, 2020 has been issued. The draft ordinance was approved by the state cabinet earlier this week.
According to the ordinance, a marriage will be declared null and void if a woman converts solely for the purpose of marriage. The maximum punishment for violators can be a jail term of up to 10 years. Under the new law, those who are willing to change their religion will have to apply to the district magistrate two months ahead.