Aligarh police on Saturday have booked Aligarh Muslim University (AMU) student Farhan Zuberi for ‘making threats to life and property’ in his speech against a French cartoon of Prophet Muhammad.
Protesting against the French President Emanuel Macron, Farhan Zuberi, the head of AMU Students’ Union gave an open threat to behead ‘anyone who disrespects Prophet Mohammad’. Zuberi, also an AIMIM leader, has now been booked under section 506, 153 of the Indian penal code – for criminal intimidation.
On Thursday, Zuberi led a protest march at AMU against the French President for upholding ‘freedom of expression’ and expressing his solidarity with the victims of Islamic intolerance. Islamists in AMU shouted slogans against Macron and burnt his effigies and called for a boycott of French products.
“If anyone speaks against Prophet Muhammad, I will behead that person,” he said.. He added, “If someone does something against the reason why we are on this planet, we will not tolerate. French President says ‘the cartoon on the building is freedom of expression'”.
“At around 4 pm on 29 Oct, a local student leader named Farhan Zuberi was leading a protest march against a French cartoon of Prophet Muhammad. In relation to that, threats to life & property were made in a speech. A case registered against Farhan,” said Abhishek, Addl SP (City) Aligarh.
Slamming Zurberi’s statement, UP Shia Waqf Board Chairman Waseem Rizvi said that such statements were an insult to the prophet as it portrayed ‘terrorist ideology’. “Throughout the country, such Muslims are engaged in insulting Prophet Muhammad with their Terrorist ideology. The way you present your behaviour, the world will connect it with Prophet Muhammad. If you threaten to behead, people will think that this is what Prophet Muhammad has taught you. This is what Islam has taught (you),” said Rizvi.