“We have to keep in mind that China has always been expansionist. It is in its blood. Over one hundred and fifty years ago Napoleon had forewarned not to rouse that yellow giant lest he should prove a grave peril to humanity. … For the past eight years we of the Sangh, too, had been unambiguously warning that China had aggressed into our territory at various strategic points. Then nobody was prepared to believe us. The editor of a leading English daily even said that we were talking like mad men. And now our leaders say that they were taken by surprise! Now, added to the expansionist blood of China is the intoxicant of Communism, which is an intensely aggressive, expansionist and imperialistic ideology. Thus, in Communist China, we have the explosive combination of two aggressive impulses”.
—M S Golwalkar (Guruji), Fight to Win,http://www.golwalkarguruji.org //Encyc/2017/10/17/FighttoWin.html
—M S Golwalkar (Guruji), Fight to Win,http://www.golwalkarguruji.org //Encyc/2017/10/17/FighttoWin.html

Every Communist must grasp the truth, ‘Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun’. Our Principle is that the Party commands the gun, and the gun must never be allowed to command the Party”, these are the words of Mao Zedong, the first authoritarian leader of Chinese Communist Party (CCP) responsible for the killings of millions. These are a sort of biblical dictums for the Communists across the world, especially after the collapse of Stalinist USSR, another inhuman variety of the same intoxicated ideology. In Bharat also few Maoists are masquerading as intellectuals justify violence in the name of revolution.
Globally, the anti-China, or a rather anti-Maoist regime in China, sentiments are on the rise. China is shamelessly defending the irresponsible behaviour of hiding or perhaps spreading the COVID19 Pandemic by blaming others. The muscle-flexing in the South China Sea to reassert the unfulfilled maritime aspirations, and curbing of the freedom and identity of Hong Kong is going on at the same time. The inhuman treatment to Tibet is already an untold story. China is even trying to use the same high-handed approach against Bharat when we are trying to strengthen our border infrastructure, the long-overdue project. Even after the global backlash, why Xi Jinping and his coterie of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) chose to behave aggressively.
The answer lies in the history of this Maoist party for which power, commanded through the gun, is more important than anything. Even the lives of Chinese people do not matter for the Party. After the Wuhan mismanagement and sacrificing thousands of innocent lives, many business people, officers in the Peoples Liberation Army (PLA), CCP cadres and even ordinary citizens of China have started questioning the intent and actions of the self-anointed Chairman and his coterie. In the 13th National People’s Congress, the top legislative boy, which works on the dictates of the Politburo of the CCP, a Civil Code consisting of six parts rights, was introduced first-time ever. It is nothing but superficial dressing to the deep wounds as it is combined with a formation of ‘small group’ of the Xi Jinping’s close confidants to take care of the ‘Prevent and crackdown on activities that endanger the political security of the country’. As we have seen either in the name of Cultural Revolution or Restructuring or saving political stability through Tiananmen Square massacre, whenever there is a dissent in China against the Party, both Chinese people and the surrounding areas suffer. Communist China has the tradition of covering up the “state secrets” to hide the exact figure of “abnormal death”. Communism in all forms is brutal and violent and use students, workers, poor etc. merely as instruments for political power.
Fortunately, we have the legacy of many thinkers like Guruji Golwalkar, Veer Savarkar, Vallabhbhai Patel and Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar etc. who had warned us against the danger posed by both the Dragon and the communism. There are many Chinese who are craving for democratic freedom and to reconnect with the spiritual roots. The problem lies in the Party and its ideology. The so-called people’ democracy has never been people-centric but always centred around Party and power. We have to keep these fundamentals of Murderous ideology that guides the ruling dispensation while assessing and engaging with China.