For Telling the Whole Truth
Two factual reports by our special correspondent showing how all is not well with the State of Jammu and Kashmir have provoked the press-pet Shaikh Abdullah into declaring a war on the Organiser. He has banned the entry and sale of Organiser in the State. We thank him for his attentions but beg to remind him that to suppress is not to disprove.
Anyway the State People know all we have to tell and the Constitution protects the rest from any such interference with their right to know what is happening inside Jammu and Kashmir.
We fully recognise the difficulties of administration in the State. But we have no doubt that the very first step to solve any problems is to allow people to state them.
Frankly, we think the time has come to treat Shaikh Sahib as one of us-praising his achievements and criticising his foibles and failures- and not merely to flatter him in order to keep him in good humour. Shaikh Abdullah has enough to his credit to need any such fulsome flattery. It is in this friendliest of spirit that we have published our serial report on Jammu.
The One democratic-and honourable-way to counter grievances is to inquire into them, and remedy them, and not to prohibit their expression. Or is Abdullah shying from full accession just to keep democracy at the Pathankor ‘ bay in order the more freely to issue curses and commands from his Olympian aloofness?
Two kicks for Orissa Congress(From Our special Correspondent ) |
Consolidated Opposition
(Acharya Kriplani, “Vigil”, New Delhi)
Efforts are reported to be afoot to form a consolidated opposition in the House of the People. On the initiative of the Jan Sangh President Dr S.P. Mookerji, the Hindu Mahasabha, the Ram Rajya Parishad and the Akali representative –numbering twenty have jointly invited other groups, parties and independents to a conference to be held in New Delhi on March 8, to consider the matter,
The new Parliamentary Party will very likely be named “United Nationalist party”. n