“Sudarshanji used to stress on the need to explore the ‘swadeshi’ model and had great respect for those who engaged in research”, said senior BJP leader Dr Murli Manohar Joshi at a book launch function in New Delhi on July 18. The book, Sudarshan-Smriti is based on the life and works of former RSS Sarsanghachalak KS Sudarshan.
“He used to discuss research works with me during my tenure as the Science and Technology Minister and was keen on exploring them. He also got a petrol pump established in Nagpur which provided petrol made out of plastic waste and was instrumental in Jatropha Plantation in different places,” said Dr Joshi.
Sudarshanji was a “mother-like” figure for me in whom I could confide everything. He had genuine concern for the development of the country and advocated the ‘swadeshi’ model of development for making India self-reliant. —Smt Sushma Swaraj, Minister of External Affairs |
Sudarshanji always tried to solve the problems through ‘swadeshi’ model. He used to say that India have a capability to solve the problems of whole world. For the human welfare, we have to promote the Hindu ideology around the world, he further added.
The book Sudarshan-Smriti is based on life and works of former RSS Sarsanghachalak KS Sudarshan. |
Speaking on the occassion, Vishwa Hindu Parishad patron, Shri Ashok Singhal said that India would be a Hindu nation by 2020. “I was at the Sai Baba Ashram when Sai Baba told me that by 2020 the entire country will be of Hindus and by 2030 the entire world will consist of Hindus. I feel that revolution has started and it will not remain confined to India but present a new ideology before the world,” he said. He also said that Prime Minister Narendra Modi-led NDA Government has put an end to 800 years of slavery.
Sudarshanji was a man of multi talents. He always encouraged promotion of ‘swadeshi’ model for the country’s development. He was a very creative person and his life was full of creativity, Shri Singhal added.
Describing Sudarshanji, Minister of External Affairs Sushma Swaraj said that Sudarshanji had created a positive atmosphere around him and due to which any worker could talk to him freely and express his views without fear. He was a saint and lived his whole life like a saint. This book will help in understanding his life. He was a “mother-like” figure for me in whom I could confide everything. He had genuine concern for the development of the country and advocated the ‘swadeshi’ model of development for making India self-reliant. He was like a God for the researchers, she added.
Sudarshanji was fond of scientific development and always looked for ways to use them for the country’s development. His demise is a big loss for the researcher community and for those who devote time to research and discovery, she said.
Shri Bajrang Lal Gupt, Member
of Akhil Bharatiya Karyakarani Mandal, RSS and younger brother of Sudarshanji, KS Ramesh, recalled the early life and work of Sudarshanji. Many distinguished personalities from different walks of life were present on the occassion. —Nishant Kr Azad