Mandate for mission
(Organiser, 25.5.2014); Congratulations to Organiser for bringing out a lovely issue titled ‘MANDATE FOR MISSION’ on the occasion of complete victory of BJP in the 2014 elections. Hats off to Shri Narendra Modi! It is his relentless campaign against the corrupt Congress that has brought a
landslide victory to the BJP. I, like most other people are very happy to see BJP win with absolute majority under the leadership of Shri Narendra Modi. But at the some time we are also apprehensive about how Shri Modi will now face the biggest challenge in his political carrier i.e to fulfill the aspiration,be on the national haramony,sustainable development or corruption free-politics.His main priority should be projects like long term benefits to the country like investments in the energy sector,improvement of quality education,ensuring more effective rules and regulations that enhance efficiency and ushering in greater competition in the economy.
Gender parity in reservation
(Organiser, 27.4.2014 ); This is with reference to MV Kamath’s article ‘Gender parity in reservation’ in Organiser.
No doubt , Indian women are coming out of the shadows of meek submission to social dictates . However they still have a long way to go . Even after such gains a large number of child marriages take place in India. Domestic violence stalks women including those from educated and celebrity families. They are still not safe at work places either.Dowry deaths , child abuse incidents and rise in rape cases tell their own story .So there is an immediate need to achieve more and quickly too .
Why contribute 2% on CSR?
Under the new Companies Act, 2013 profitable companies need to contribute 2% of their profit on CSR work. Corporate Affairs ministry of UPA-II estimated this spend to be around 20,000 crore. Mandatory CSR spending will put financial and operation burden on the companies and will erode their efficiency. Companies pay taxes to government and government is supposed to take care of welfare of citizens. The mandatory CSR partly puts government responsibility of welfare on companies and the 2% spending is as good as increasing corporate tax by 2%. It’s an open secret that only a fraction of Government aid reaches needy people. Then how can government ensure that CSR spending of companies reaches the needy population? Many companies have welfare trusts or NGOs which are just created to satisfy ego. India is estimated to have 20 lakh NGOs (one for every 600 people) and obviously many of them would be fake. Many NGOs secretly promote religious conversion and some NGOs are also helping naxalites. Thus it will be a disaster to make Rs. 20,000 crore available for such miscreants.
-Pranav Wadnerk, Pune
Nehruvian Secularism-A Paradox
(Organiser,4.5.2014); This refers to ‘Nehruvian Secularism – A Paradox’ by Dr S Gurumurthy in Organiser. There is no use wasting time in defining secularism.Gandhi and Nehru invented secularism only to fool and cheat the Hindus and to justify inclusion of Muslisms in the national set-up of truncated India.No one on earth can justify the inclusion of Muslims in truncated India,as they all had voted for creation of Pakistan in 1945-46 elections and Nehru-Gandhi’s Congress could not win even a single Muslim seat. One major problem is that Hindus in general are indifferent to cruelties and killing of Hindus by the Muslims.Pratically all the Hindus and Sikhs were liquidated from Pakistan in 1947 by the Muslims but there was very little reaction in truncated India and that too was suppressed by Nehru’s government. Now all the Hindus/ Pandits have been finished in Kashmir, but Hindus are least bothered, not even in the Jammu region.On the other hand ,not only the Muslims throughout India but also throughout the world are agitated over the riots in Gujarat, although the mischief of burning the innocent Hindus was started by the Muslim mob only.
-ANAND PRAKASH, 72/Sector-8,Panchkula -134 109