(Organiser, 23.2.2014); This is with reference to ‘Comedy of errors’ by Lalit Kumar in Organiser. John McWhorter, a professor of English in Columbia University, seems to believe that removing commas would cause only little less of clarity. Though the learned professor defends his case for doing away with comma by pointing out that it is not scientifically sensible and logical. However the learned professor fails to understand that comma warns us to take a breath at an appropriate moment, without which the sense would be incomplete. The story is told of a railway station master who sent an email to his superior asking him as to what he should do with a man-eater tiger from a nearby forest. The panicked officer emailed to him saying, ‘Shot him not spare him’, without employing any comma. The station master who was equally in panic read the message as: Shoot him not, spare him. Though that station master was safe inside his office, the man-eater killed and injured a lot of people before he went back to the forest Necessity is the mother of invention. Probably that is the reason why our wise forefather have invented comma.
ks iyer, Faridabad: 121 006
UPA is using Govt. finances to woo voters
Using Government finances to woo voters and win elections is a sure recipe for disaster. The UPA-II’s decision to hike dearness allowance will have serious consequences for inflation and fiscal deficit. Similarly, the announcement of a special financial package for Seemandhra has already led to states such as Bihar agitating for special status. Congress has reached today’s nadir thanks to arrogance, sycophancy and inability to restrain corruption. Moreover there was an era when voters used to vote on emotional grounds that era has passed decisively. Today voters have lot of expectations, concerning growth, development, employment opportunities or safety and security. We need a leader who can sacrifice his arrogance and work with political opponents for the welfare of the country, and for this Shri Narendra Modi is the right candidate.
Mahesh Chandra Sharma, Kanpur
Mosque issue emerges again
In the sum-up to the Lok Sabha general elections, the pseudo-seculars and aggressive Mussulmans have again raised the question of rebuilding old mosques demolished long ago or building new mosques at old locations, defying sentiments of a large sections of the people. One cannot forget that all these mosques in our country were built by the invading Mughals with the toil and sweat of the forced local converts to Islam and the forced labour of the poor Hindus. These mosques were erected most often after destroying the existing Hindu temples. Any new construction should come up only with the express consent of the large majority of the population of the area and with due respect to the Constitution of Bharat. The mosques must be built only for worship purpose and not to demonstrate any aggressive triumph. Let politicians beware that there should be no compromise for the same for winning a few seats in the Lok Sabha.
CBD Rao, 39,15 th Cross Road, Malleshwaram, Bengaluru:3
Ensure women security or be ready to be kicked out
(Organiser, 19.1.2014); This refers to ‘Ensure women safety or be ready to be kicked out’ in Organiser. Indeed it is very shameful, that crime against women is increasing. Certainly there is a need for stricter laws, and greater vigilance by the law enforcing agencies. But that is not sufficient. The Government controlled by Congress and its allies, the uncontrolled media, and national atmosphere of westernisation created in all spheres of life are directly responsible for this state of affairs. In Mahabharat it is stated, that “In ancient times or Sat Yuga, there were no kingdoms, nor kings. No punishments nor anybody deservering punishment. Everybody protected each other by following dharma. Now dharma is a taboo and is ridiculed in this secular India and all type of sins are being promoted.
Anand Prakash, 72/Sector-8, Panchkula:-134 109
View points
This is with reference to some extreme viewpoints expressed in your esteemed weekly, Organiser. But first of all let me welcome the new editor Shri Prafulla Ketkar (although a bit late). In your previous issues you had alarmed your readers about starting of an International Islamic University near Tirupati. Now you have come down to an ‘Islamic College’ against which according to you widespread protests in Tirupati are reported. But no such reports appear in the press at Hyderabad. I expressed my anguish over the matter when it first appeared in the esteemed weekly. There are departments of Islamic studies in Banaras, Shanti Niketan, Vekateshwara Universities but nowhere Hindus rituals were stopped. There are Urdu or Persian departments but nowhere jihadis are produced. Then why you were so afraid and put your readers in some uninhibited fear complex. Mr MV Kamath is a seasoned journalist, but his ‘Moving finger’ smells foul whenever he writes under pressure of Islamophobia. Lastly the photos or the Muslims (offering prayers or burqua clad ladies) are not symbols of Muslim backwardness. These are the epitomes of piety, modesty and sincerity the masses lack in India.
Shakil Ahmed Anwar, Chatta Bazar, Hyderabad : 500 002.
Lack of public skills in UPA
The lack of public relations skills in top Congress leadership is evident from the fact that they continue to read from written scripts .Both Manmohan Singh and Sonia Gandhi tend to do this. This scenario is much better in the case of Opposition leaders like Narendra Modi who are gifted with adequate talent to reach out to the masses directly and gain their attention. The pitiable condition of UPA due to poor governance provides added opportunities for these leaders. Spokespersons of Congress has also done precious little to make up for shortcomings of these leaders. Instead of ensuring skilful damage control for the UPA’s acts of omission and commission they tend to take a negative approach.