(Organiser, 2.3.2014); In wake of Telangana issue going on recently we have found Seemandhra people demanding for a separate nation. Now, we have come to see the true colours of Seemandhra. It is these people who silently supported the Dravidian movement during pre-Independence period in seceding from Indian Union and joining the formation of ‘Dravida Nadu’ and never supported the Indian Freedom Movement whereas the rest of Andhra co-operated. It is these people who from decades dominated Andhra Pradesh political scene and never allowed the development of Telangana and thus never gave a fair opportunity to them. At least now the Central Government at the earliest should bifurcate Telangana from Andhra, better late then never.
SeturaM Aspari, email:[email protected]
Sindh buffeted by the resurgence of separatism (Organiser, 9.2.2014); This refers to ‘Sindh buffeted by resurgence of separatism’ by Radhakrishna Rao in Organiser. I do not think that this information about separatism and internal conflicts in Pakistan is of much value for India. The basic fact is, that even if Pakistan gets disintegrated into a number of sub-units, each one of them is going to be an enemy of India, and would act as one unit against India. Most recent example is that of Bangladesh, which got its freedom with the help of India, but is as much anti-Indian as Pakistan is. There is no logic to feel happy as Mr Rao has stated that “The death knell dealt to Two Nation Theory following creation of Bangladesh.” Firstly by accepting creation of Pakistan as an exclusive homeland for Muslim in 1947, we have already agreed to the Two Nation Theory. Secondly, leaders or people of Bangladesh never wanted to be merged with India, which proves that Muslims continued to consider themselves as a separate nation. Rather one can say that instead of two nations, it became three nations. Thirdly, now we have to deal with three enemies or Pakistans, namely an internal Pakistan of 20 crore Muslims, and two external Pakistans, i.e. Pakistan and Bangladesh. And this internal Pakistan of 20 crore Muslims is much more dangerous than two external Pakistans put together more so because it is continuously becoming bigger and bigger due to fast multiplication of Muslim population. If Two Nation Theory is finished as wished by Mr Rao, and Pakistan and Bangladesh becomes one with India a Akhand Pakistan with great bloodshed of the Hindus will take place.
Anand Prakash, 72/Sector-8, Panchkula: 134 109
Don’t ignore repeated Chinese intrusion(Organiser, 29.12.2013); This is with reference to the article ‘Don’t ignore repeated Chinese intrusion’ in Organiser. The article clearly shows the negligence of our Defence Ministry towards most crucial border security problem. I appreciate the patriotic act of janajati leaders of Arunachal Pradesh for forming a Arunachal Vikas Parishad and presenting demands in front of the Government for safety and security of Arunachal Pradesh from our arch enemy China. Congress Government is keeping Bharatvasis in dark about the reality of repeated intrusions and violation of Line of Control (LoC) by China in Chaklagam Circle of Arunachal Pradesh. The indifference of UPA is crystal clear from the ground situation that there are no army camps on the Chinese border. Only Indo Tibetan Border Police personnel in very small number are entrusted the security of a large area and crucial border line. We boast of having one of the largest army in the world but in reality our Defence Minister is allowing China to intrude whenever it wishes. Defence Minister gives sermons instead of fortifying our LoC. Our PM is least bothered about our national security and is always busy in indulging and promoting scams and scandals and appeasing Muslims. What a shameful dirty politics.
Pramod Prabhakar Valsangkar, Hyderabad: 500 060
Don’t be disappointed The Bharatiyas are a disappointed lot with an uncertain future. Take courage. All in not lost. Wake up. Use your brains Bharatvasis to elect a strong leader in the coming 2014 elections. Shri Narendra Modi is our saviour. Don’t expect miracles to happen overnight for scams, scandals, corruption etc have taken root nurtured by the present Government. ‘NaMo’ is a down to earth, a practical minded leader. He will definitely bring back this directionless drift inside the country to one of stability and strength.
Shanta Dyuthikar, 39, 15 th Cross Malleshwaram, Bengaluru: 3
Aimless AAPThe aam aadmi did not ask for free water. They only needed water in adequate measure and without hassles. By diverting the money for subsidy, AAP have lost the chance for positive actions. Out of the money, following could have been done: 1. More water tankers for water supply at convenient hours. 2. Build more pipelines where required. 3. Hydrotest of existing lines for reducing leakages.3. Creating artificial lakes for storing Yamuna flood water and rain water, etc.
B V RAO,Bengaluru 560 040
Who celebrates St. Valentine’s Day in India? Loyal servants of the White Christian Empire. These Indians proudly serve their foreign Christian masters. The White Christian occupiers could not achieve their most cherished goal of eradicating the world’s oldest and greatest culture, the Hindu culture, even by force including genocides after genocides during their 200 plus years of occupation of India. But, through their loyal servants they are now succeeding at a terrifying speed. These Indians are to the country what cancer cells are to the body.
Amulya Tyagi
Cincinnati, OH USA