(Organiser, 29.9.2013); This refer to Editorial and Special report in Organiser, about anointment of Shri Narendra Modi as Prime Ministerial candidate of BJP which has resulted in enthusiasm throughout the country and fear among the anti-Hindu seculars. As per reports in the press, Bihar’s Chief Minister Shri Nitish Kumar, who is allergic to Shri Modi, has questioned about Modi’s ability to keep India united. Infact all these anti-Hindu Seculars are shouting that Modi represents only Hindus and would destroy unity of India. Now let us examine this blame logically. Jawaharlal Nehru met Lord Mountbatten, then Viceroy of India, on May 11, 1947. Viceroy wrote in his secret report, that Pundit Nehru agreed to the demand for the Partition of India “On the principle that no district in which non-Muslims pre-dominated should go to Pakistan”. (See page-80, Document no. 45 of Partition of Punjab-1947, edited by Dr Kirpal Singh, former Head of Department of Punjab Historical studies, Punjabi University, Patiala.) Thus Nehru was trying to keep truncated India (now called India) as one unite with the help of non-Muslim i.e. Hindus, Sikhs, Jains Buddhists, etc. Where as Muslims stood for Pakistan. Now Hindus have no problem with Modi, Sikhs’ political party Akali Dal has already supported Shri Modi. Jains and Buddhists also do not have any problem with Shri Modi. Only the Muslims, who do not have any contribution in keeping India as one, as explained above, are the only people who are allergic to Modi. These Muslim had voted for Pakistan in 1945-46 elections, and are free to go to their dreamland of Pakistan. These anti-Hindu seculars are acting as agents of Pakistan, and are preparing ground for an other Partition of already truncated India.
ANAND PRAKASH, 72/Sector-8, Panchkula: 134 109