Butchered by Cowards (Organiser, 12.5.2013); This refers to the cover story ‘Butchered by Cowards’ in Organiser. It throws good light on the Pakistan’s enimity and contempt for India and Hindus. As mentioned in the article, it is worth noting that “Pakistan’s attitude is not the same with convicts of other nations like US. They are treated with high respect and are provided full security.” We cannot blame Pakistan for this attitude. Only solution is “tit for tat” policy towards Pakistan and the Muslims. Even after yielding Pakistan as an exclusive homeland to the Muslims of India, Congress leadership continued to follow policy of appeasement, rather more rigorously, towards Pakistan and Muslims, so much so that even those who claim to be committed to the Hindu cause, have become submissive while dealing with Muslims. The first and the foremost thing is, that, while Muslims liquidated almost entire Hindus and Sikh population form Pakistan, Congress leaders and the Hindus have not only allowed Muslims to live in India—homeland meant for the Hindus and non-Muslims, but have given to them special rights as minority community. Why we did not send them to Pakistan? Pakistan attacked Jammu & Kashmir in 1947, but Gandhi went on fast unto death for paying to Pakistan Rs 110 crore. The list of such appeasements is so large, that a book can be written on this. Why we do not learn a lesson from Israel and the US. The latest misdeed of Manmohan Singh is, that during his election speech in Karnataka at Hubly, he said that minorities (i.e. Muslims) are feeling unsafe in the State (see Aaj Samaaj, dated 30.4.2013), thus giving a very bad image of India. Fact is that Hindus are unsafe in India, and are being frequently attacked, by Muslim terrorist, and Muslims mob. Therefore there is no use of blaming Pakistan. We must understand that Pakistan is our enemy, and deal with it accordingly.
Anand Prakash, 72/Sector-8,
Panchkula:134 109
Show the will (Organiser 9.6.2013) More than Srinivasan, it is Rajiv Shukla who should be kicked out of IPL if he does not leave on his own. Kalmadi was forced to go but Sheila Dikshit who made most of the CWG loot is still here. Rajiv Shukla, in no way, is any different from Sharad Pawar or Lalit Modi but Shukla, presumably, has the backing of Congress High Command. Politicians should not be allowed to control any sports body. Srinivasan’s son-in law is acting in a way as if he is son-in-law of Sonia Gandhi. What stops him from seeing the Crime Branch of Bombay Police within the stipulated time? He should be declared as a fugitive, it serves him and his father-in-law right. It is totally illegal and unethical to make an IPL team owner as President of BCCI. Why ICC remained silent about this conflict of interest?
Tusar Kanti Kar, 14/3/1, Sribash Dutta Lane, Howrah : 711 101
Changing face of Indian society (Organiser, 7.4.2013); Shri MV Kamath in his article, ‘Changing face of Indian society’ in Organiser writes with frankness and deep concern. He says, “according to The Hindustan Times (March 8, 2013) a woman in Delhi is molested or raped every two hours” and asks what pushes people to commit such crimes? We keep asking, who, where, how, what action did police take, etc. Do we ask why such crimes, totally abnoxious to social beings are taking place? We think in terms of crime and punishment and not why such anti-human crimes take place at all? What drives ‘men’ to such crimes? Did so many such crimes took place in the past? Are our basic human values falling rapidly? If so why? Is this not basically a problem for advanced humanitarians, sociologist, men of experience in social sciences and such others to study and suggest remedies? It is not merely a problem of crime and punishment, though immediate action has to be taken from that point of view. Is there a rapid deterioration in human values, in human conduct? What is the action to be taken? The publicity given to the matter is bringing shame to Bharat. Leading men and women must take the initiative in this matter and find ways and means to check this catastrophe.
CBD RAO, 39, 15th Cross Road, Malleshwaram, Bengaluru : 560 003
Islam is synonymous with brutality (Organiser, 19.5.2013); This refers to the article titled ‘Islam is synonymous with brutality’ by Dr Jay Dubashi in Organiser. The background history of the Islam shows that its founder himself was engaged in looting and brutality,hence there is no surprise that his followers are alike him. Though I agree with most of the writer’s views and opinion, I differ at that place where he has defamed Tipu Sultan. There is lot of confusion, misunderstanding and wrong notion about his popularity. Though a Muslim King, Tipu Sultan was unlike others and thus is an exception. He can be considered as a true son of soil, opposing against foreign imperial rule in India. He also advised other monarch kings of India not to quarrel with each other but to unitedly fight against the foreign invasion. Though he took assistance from French, he never became a vassal of them, unlike Marathas and Nizam of Hyderabad, who were under British rule. Tipu Sultan can be considered as another Hindu engaged in infighting among various Hindus sects, who are even today engaged so. But it is absolutely wrong to say that he was totally against Hindu and destroyed their temples. If that was the case, then, how come he has helped in developing many Hindu temples, donating many valuable articles of gold and silver to temples, including the temple of Lord Ranganath situated in Srirangapatnam, which was also the capital of his empire. Most of his cabinet ministers belonged to Brahmin community. Moreover his father Hyder Ali Khan though a Muslim gave due respect to Lord Ranganath. Thus, we find exceptions everywhere.
email: [email protected]
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Apropos of your column: ‘Thinking Aloud’ in Organiser) Dr. Jay Dubashi has chosen April 9, the day 325 years ago, when Sambhaji was murdered by Aurangzeb, for writing in memory of the great Maratha warrior. I just want to tell Dr Dubashi that Islam is a religion of mercy towards all mankind and should not be compared with any behaviour of a pure political nature of the rulers of the past.
Shakil Ahmed, 22-8-585, Lakkad Kote, Chatta Bazar Hyderabad: 500 002
Together we can change Under Anna Hazare’s leadership, India came on streets against corruption. The people of India demanded a strong anti-corruption law. But the government did not agree. Neither did any of the political parties agree to it. Obviously, they couldn’t have agreed because if they passed a strong Jan Lokpal Bill, then most of the politicians and MLAs would be in jail and their properties worth crores or rupees would be confiscated. Our entire political system has become rotten. Most of today’s problems are due to corrupt politics. Unless it is cleansed, nothing would improve. Mahatma Gandhi once said that politics devoid of honesty and spirituality is disastrous for the country. We have to change the politics of this country. I am confident that together, we can.
Jubel D’Cruz, Dombivili, Mumbai : 421 201
BJP’s political hara-kiri A judicious analysis of the recently held Karnataka elections reveals that the Congress will harm itself only if it reads too much in its victory in Karnataka. The BJP committed a political hara-kiri by dumping Yeddyurappa due to the pressure mounted by the rootless BJP leaders of Karnataka, who were opposed to Yeddyurappa, who in fact was the real architect of BJP’s victory in Karnataka.If the BJP’s central leadership had waited for the court’s decision and fought Karnataka electoral battle under Yeddyurappa’s command only the results would have been simply otherway round and BJP might would have saved its first ever southern government.
AK SHARMA, Chandigarh
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