Dr Surendra Singh Pokharna
All living systems are essentially irreversible in nature, that is they grow and decay and they are also open systems compared to the physical system’s which are closed systems. They constantly interact with the environment like a human being taking oxygen from atmosphere and releasing carbon di-oxide. Hence biological and social systems can not be subjected to the strict process of measurement and hence they are not exactly describable in the strict terminology of the physical, sciences. In addition, human systems have memory will, creativity, tendency to interact strongly with other fellow beings and the environment. Furthermore there are micro controls in the form of thought processes which cannot be easily adjusted in any planned “scientific experiment”. which makes it impossible to do any scientific experimentation on them and predicting events about them from a purely scientific point of view.Hence such systems are studied in a different way by using statistical procedures. In such methods only some rough trends or patterns can be found. However, in recent years a discipline General Systems Theory has evolved which can provide better methods to handle human systems and social systems. Here entropy, order and information are more important than anything else.
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