Dial plot to raze thousand year old temple complex near Delhi Airport (Organiser, 1.7.2012); This with reference to the front page article ‘ Dial plot to raze thousand year old temple complex near Delhi Airport ’ in Organiser. The writer Pramod Kumar has rightly said that “though, the Lt Governor of Delhi Tajendra Khanna has issued directions to preserve the temples, the DIAL is adamant to raze these temples. It is also a clear case of violation of the Monument Protection Act. On the other hand the same Dial authorities provide full facilities and protection to the Muslims visiting the mazars situated very close to runway at Terminate-2 of the same Airport.” I feel Delhi International Airport should be renamed as ‘Delhi Islamic Airport’ working under Pan-Islamic instructions. I urge this communal Islamists organistation to raze mazars situated adjacent to runway at Terminal-2 and prove its secular credentials or face Hindu backlash. Time has come for the Hindus to take direct action at every step and exhibit gallantry to save temples and their culture. Perhaps Dial is waiting for such uprising from the side of slumbering Hindus, let us unite and fulfil their desire. Now as far as committing crime of violating Lt Governor’s instructions of 2009 and violation of the Monument Protection Act, I urge villagers to go for an appeal in court and seek legal ban on these vandalism. CM Sheila Dixit should note that already Congress-I is defeated in Delhi Municipal elections. Now they will lost the ensuing Assembly elections. So behave like a Hindu woman and not like a Muslim slave and promote Islamisation of Delhi Airport. Very shamefully, Muslim mazars of Baba Roshan Khan and Baba Kale Khan were preserved by diverting runway at Terminal-2 which is a grave threat to the Airport. Any time Islamic jehadies can attack Airport from these mazars. This is an utter lapse of security. I decry and condemn the same. At the same time these Islamic demons are out to annihilate a popular, ancient, temple which is about one km away from the Airport, shame on Dial. It is a case of shameful violation of Human Rights. I also urge villagers to expose MNC, MGR for its anti-Hindu role. I believe the article will send signals to Dial to rethink or face doom.
Smt Suhasini Pramod Valsangkar, Dilsukhnagar-60
Why the BJP should not bother about skittish allies or the ‘Muslim vote’ (Organiser, 1.7.2012); Shri GVL Narasimha Rao has very correctly said in his article ‘Why the BJP should not bother about skittish allies or the Muslim Vote’ in Organiser, that “Muslims have never voted for the BJP in any parliamentary elections. ” The fact is, that not only they do not vote for BJP, but they vote in such a manner so as to ensure defeat of the BJP candidates. They consider BJP as their enemy number one, and they openly declare so. The Congress, Mulayams and Laloos treat BJP as untouchable and use most dirty language against BJP and Sangh Parivar to consolidate Muslim vote-bank, apart from giving to the Muslims, various types of undue advantages on religious basis, ignoring the Constitution of India. In this connection, I would like to give an example of Mayawati’s boldness and plain speaking. While addressing the media at Lucknow on March 7, 2012, she said that “ the poll outcome (i.e. her defeat) was due to Muslim quota politics of the Congress and 70 per cent of the Muslim voters transferred their votes to Samajwadi Party.” (See The Tribune,8.3.2012). Thus she boldly and bluntly blamed the Muslims for her defeat in the UP elections. I do not understand, as to why BJP leaders feels shy of telling the truth to the people/Hindus. They should boldly tell, that the BJP candidates are always at a big disadvantage as Muslims unitedly vote against the BJP. Therefore, in spite of BJP’s good performance in the Centre and various states, communal voting of Muslims results in its defeat in the elections. I am sure, this would help in consolidating votes in favour of the BJP and awaken the Hindus against the dangerous communal game being played by the Congress and its allies.
Anand Prakash, 72/Sector-8, Panchkula-134 109
Circumventing Parliament is Undemocratic (Organiser, 15.4.2012); This refers to the article titled ‘Circumventing Parliament is undemocratic’ page no.3 of Organiser. Instead of diversifying the functions and provision of NPR(National Population Registry),the Government of India under UPA Government has set up another parallel institution under the banner UIDIA-Aadhar. Now, neither is the former complete in itself nor is the latter in achieving the goal of providing an authentic identification tool of an citizen. The UIDIA-Adhar Bill being being rejected in the Parliament is deplorable and a setback to our country. Aadhar which was basically meant to provide an authentic identity to every citizen appears to have failed miserably in its endeavour. Though Aadhar is bio-metric, in totality it has proved to be lacking in its authenticity. When NPR is also engaged in the same excercise and when it is more accurate and economical, one definitely finds Adhar’s existence unnecessary. Apart from being an authentic identification of every citizen, UIDAI-Aadhar needs to be an convenient administrative tool, utilising it in all government/now government departments and in all walks of life. Now, the need of the hour is that, until and unless both NPR and UIDAI work in co-ordination and share responsibilities things will not workout. Though the NPR can be called as a project, UIDAI can be considered as a blunder.
SETURAM ASPARI, email:asparam@ rediffmail.com
Guruji—A drishta (Organiser, 27.5.2012); Shri Gurumurthy in his series of article in Organiser dt 27.5.2012, 24.6.2012, 17.6.2012 and 01.6.2012 give the impression that the Supreme Count of India finally resolved the question regarding definition of Hinduism and declared that its verdict endorses the views of Shri Guruji. I remember a similar case that in fifties when the temple authorities in South India referred a matter to the Supreme Court regarding application of ‘Tilak’ to the deity. What is unfortunate is that an ancient, eternal and universal religion need final verdict on the definition of Hinduism by the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court defined Hinduism as a way of life and a state of mind. But it is to be noted that a way of life is also due to way of belief or state of mind. We behave as per our belief. Beliefs determine one’s and community’s behaviour. Hinduism defined as ‘a way of life’ is no definition at all. Every religion is a way of life. Christianity is away of life; Islam is a way of life; even communism and atheism is a way of life. Communism turned into a religion with Karl Marx as its prophet and Das Capital its scripture and Class War as the way to achieve classless society. Their belief and theory is executed in socio-economic and political spheres. The writer also said that a person who believes in God cannot necessary be called a Hindu. Can this argument holds water? Our belief in Hinduism emerges from the Vedas where Indra, Varuna, Vayu, Agni, and Soma are invoked in the prayers. He who does not believe in the Vedas is not a Hindu. There can be no religion without God. Can we call the atheist or the Charavaka as Hindus? They are Hindus by name only and never by belief. The atheists pose a great danger to Hinduism. At another place the writer has said that even though a person may convert to Islam and Christianity still he can be called a Hindu. The statement needs rectification unless the word ‘Hindu’ is used in the Geographical sense. To those who are converted to other religion can we call them as our relatives. There is crisis of identity of the term Hindu. There is also a little confusion regarding the translation of word ‘Dharma’ which needs some clarification. The word ‘Dharma’ has different connotation in Hindu scriptures. Among them it means Kula Dharma (follow the rule of caste), Raj Dharma (duty of the King), Dharma as the quality of an abject (The dharma of fire is to burn). Dharma also means a duty or custom imposed by the society. In another sense the word Dharma is used as an ethics and also the order in the celestial world. Therefore Hinduism is also to be called as a faith not merely a way of life. Thus there is an urgent need to define and characterise Hindu and Hinduism.
K Damodar Reddy, H.No.-9-6-365, Maruthi Nagar, Champapet, Hyderabad-79
Congress “Hindu terror” ploy boomerangs (Organiser, 1.7.2012); Lt Col Purohit”s saga of infiltration into Abhinav Bharat is another jihad against stone worshippers of India to politically malign the simpletons. Well executed by Army and national investigation agencies brainstorm to please Home Ministry to produce a Devvakan (devil not God particle) to be christianed as Hindu terrorism, to mollify the semitics that Hindus are also sailing in the same boat of fundamentalism. Both Devvakan and Hindu fundamentalism are the greatest finds of the century. Devvakan aids the spirit of research in science and the other causes AIDS to Hinduism, the conglomeration of innocent simpletons. The present dispensation in Home Ministry and defence has put RDX in the bag of Swamiji and later on who knows may smuggle an army tank in the temple to insinuate the noble Hindu pantheon to make tight case for prosecution. It is a horrenduous crime the Central government is committing on Hinduism by the so-called secularists junta. All sensible people should raise their voice and speak up. Everyday Home Ministry is talking out some investigative agencies, (CBI, IB, NIA, NSCT, CID, LIB, SPE, RAW etc. etc.) from its pockets to terrorise the Hindus. Umpteen political parties with a secular demon tag are on to frighten them day in and day out.
VENKATGIRI, 631, A Block, Sahakaranagar, Bengaluru
Team Anna accuses PM, 14 UPA ministers of graft (Organiser, 10.6.2012); I don’t feel that by calling MP’s as decoits Baba Ramdev said any thing wrong. Infact Lalu Yadav should not have called him a mental case for this because he is telling the truth. Ramdev and social activist Anna Hazare have been telling the truth and most Indians support them, The MP’s have reacted so strong because they have become arrogant. People of Bharat or we can say the entire world is watching how the politicians are destroying Bharat, a country once known as Sone ke chidia.
RAMINDER SINGH, Naraina Industrial Area, Delhi
UPA’s halt India Agenda (Organiser, 10.6.2002); This is neither exaggeration nor a surprise. Time Magazine has rightly criticised the PM and has termed him as an ‘underachiever’. The magazine’s story talks about how Dr Manmohan Singh who is considered as a great economist is unable to control his ministers and is unwilling to stick his neck out on reforms at a time when the Indian economy is slowing down. It is crystal clear that our economy needs to be rebooted. The country is under the grib of scandals and high inflation. If right dose is not given there are chances that the virus of scandals and inflation will slowly paralyse the country’s economy. It is indeed a testing time for the PM and the UPA government to get up from their sleep. The slowdown in economic growth, the huge fiscal deficit, a falling rupee, series of mega scams and the policy paralysis are bitter realities of the government headed by Dr Manmohan Singh, the so-called renowned economist. The fact generally accepted by a large number of Indians is that a bureaucrat- turned-politician who hasn’t won a Lok Sabha election has done incalculable damage to the office of the PM in our democratic system. He has played second fiddle to the Congress President, which is an insult to the office he holds.
Ritha Sagar, Chennai
CBI as Congress Bureau of Investigation (Organiser, 22.7.2012); The decision of the Supreme Court to quash the disproportionate assets case against former UP Chief Minister Mayawati is more a defeat for the CBI than a victory of the former CM. In this respect I would say that whosoever favours Congress can scape from the jaws of the CBI. Since BSP Chief Mayawati is supporting the UPA government from outside—the Central Bureau of Investigation has diluted her disproportion assets case and let her off. This is how the Congress uses CBI which is considered as the prime investigating agency. Yet the Congress still maintains that the CBI is an independent, autonomous body. It is very unfortunate that politicians who amass wealth illegally are allowed to go scot-free on one pretext or the other if they praise the Congress. The judgement signals that politicians can continue to go ahead with their wealth making drive and impunity .
Mahesh Chandra Sharma, E-198, Panki, Kanpur
Wage a war against terror (Organiser, 8.7.2012); There is no reason to be optimistic about Pakistan’s attitude towards India. At a time when anti-India outfits like Difa-e-Pakistan enjoy state patronage, there is no reason for India to continue its engagements with Islamabad. Only bilateral talks and visits will not yield any result because despite enough evidences against it Pakistan is reluctant to accept its involvement in the 26/11 Mumbai attacks nor is willing to cooperate with India in bringing guilty to justice. Pakistan’s belief that its intelligence agency ISI is not involved in the terror attacks on India is a laughable statement and shows its stubborness. Pakistan has already denied that Abu Jundal was issued a Pakistani passport, now it will refute Abu Jundal’s admission that the voice on two 26/11 tapes is his. Pakistan will not accept that Abu Jundal was involved in a telephonic conversation between the Karachi control room and the militants in Mumbai. No dossier, no confession from David Headley, Abu Jundal or Ajmal Kasab will help counter Pakistan’s use of terror against India. But the question is that for how long Pakistan can remain in denial? India already has a large volume of irrefutable evidences against the elements in Pakistan who were involved in 26/11 attack. It is time India should find a way to put pressure on Pakistan so that it accepts the reality.
Archana Sharma, Flat No 5, Deep Vatika, Ratanlal Nagar, Kanpur (UP)