Government of India (Now if you say ‘Bharat’ then too you may be prosecuted if a man or woman in any ‘group’ feels he / she is hurt only by the word ‘Bharat’! It is neither a stupid joke nor any lose comment; this is exactly would happen if Government of India passes the anti-Bharat, anti-Hindu and anti-secular communal Bill it has proposed. The Bill proposed by the government and being promoted by NAC (National Advisory Council headed by Madam Sonia Gandhi – obviously!) not only shows UPA’s anti-Bharat and anti-Hindu face; but also helps jehadi groups to promote their basic agenda of making the entire world Dar-ul-Islam. And you thought that this must be Togadia’s usual line. No. This time it is so very seriously dangerous that if the proposed Bill on ‘Prevention of Communal and Targeted Violence’ is passed, then rest assured that it would result into UPA government sponsored ethnic cleansing – first of Hindus and then of every other ‘group’ that does not follow jehad. How so?
The Bill claims to protect minorities from majority (Read: Hindu). In any country government is supposed to protect all from any crime or any group that commits crime. But government of India through this Bill aims to protect minority but if the same crime any person / group of minority commits against any majority person / group – the minority culprit will not be punished. Meaning: You are a Hindu and if your daughter is raped by a Muslim or a Christian, then just shut up and tell your daughter to thank the rapist that he did not kill her! Sounds extreme? In the garb of terming Hindus ‘Saffron Terrorists’, ‘Extremists’ the UPA government itself has turned into the total extreme line of thinking, behaviour and the worse – Law that will kill Bharat’s Hindus fast.
The other day, I came across an educated youth panicking because due the government policy of his State, his residence where his forefathers lived and now he is staying with his old mother and a crippled brother, has been surrounded by tall buildings built by rich minority community and they have been forcing him to vacate his house. He has option! His old mother petrified, they park huge trucks blocking his entry into his own house. At this moment he perhaps can go to the police or court under unlawful detention of his mother by that ‘group’ (whom government thinks – victimised!) or for trespass, but with this new Bill coming up, he can not do anything but to vacate his house and jump into river Narmada with his old mother and crippled brother! Now you realised the severity of this Bill? For the same crime if minority commits, it will not be punished; but if anyone from the minority only says that a majority member has done such a crime against him and then Hindu will be punished! Have you ever seen such a barbaric government that wishes to finish the very existence of the majority of its own country? Or, the bigger question is, Does this government truly think that this is its nation or it actually believes in the Dar-ul-Islam theory of no national boundaries; only Islam?
Past few years we and many of us have been alerting Bharat that something like this is coming in fast. We had also alerted that jehadi elements were becoming so strong that they may attack Bharat. From the pseudo secular media to the vote-greedy politicians and from opportunistic Human Rights Groups to their organisations, criticised us; some State government even slapped cases on us for explaining jehadi mentality to Bharat.
But now the same media is using the same words day in and day out explaining 26/11 attack on Mumbai. This transition came about after 9/11 when the US went after jehadi groups led by Osama bin Laden, Al Queda, etc and now it also has been proven that Pakistan is the place where all such jehad is nurtured. Indian PM very proudly had announced recently that there was no Indian in Queda; now when France caught an Indian Muslim youth from Tamil Nadu for Queda links, our learned HM says that he was radicalised in a very young age in Tritchy and then went to France to get youth for Popular Front – a jehadi Muslim Organisation in Kerala that cut the arm of a Christian teacher! In this barbaric Bill can a Christian minority get Muslims to pay for such a crime?
Misusing the clauses of 1860 in IPC, year 1872 clauses of the Evidence Act and adding vote-greedy thoughts to them, now the UPA government is all set to target Hindus communally in the garb of protecting minorities and thereby destroying the very secular, multi-cultural fabric of Bharat. Common Civil Code is the need of an hour, but instead of that the government is targeting Hindus.
The new Bill will surely encourage jehadi groups to manipulate the clauses against Hindus to grab houses, lands (same like in Kashmir and many parts in Assam, etc), Hindu women, Hindu businesses and thereby either trigger forced conversion, mass suicides (same like Hindu and Sikh women had to do in Pak during Partition) and mass murders of Hindus. Obviously, Dar-ul-Islam will not stop at that; it would then attack Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribes (forced conversions have already started by Islam and Church; but with this Bill, these sheer and real minorities of Bharat will not be able to even complain against these two mighty and rich groups – namely Muslim and Christian) UPA is trying to fool SCs and STs that the Bill will protect them from other Hindus; but how will UPA protect them from Muslims and Christians?
In short, the proposed Bill is truly aimed at targeted violence against Hindus that will ultimately result into complete ethnic cleansing of Hindus first and then of all in Bharat other than Islam. It is dangerous and we appeal to all in Bharat to stand up against such a ‘Tughlaki Bill’. Full text of the Bill is on Send emails against it to the PM on and also write letters to the PM and to the UN Secretary General not to allow the UPA government to pass any such Bill aimed at killing Hindus.
Despite such democratic efforts, if the UPA government goes ahead and passes the Bill of giving rights in the hand of Muslims and Christians of killing Hindus, raping Hindu women, grabbing houses – jobs – lands of Hindus, then Bharat has to stand up against such a barbaric Bill and be ready to sacrifice own lives to save Hindus and to save Bharat. Write to me on your ideas as to how such a cruel Bill can be stopped from being passed. It is an SOS.