SAMACHAR Bharati Hyderabad organised a function at Jagruti Bhavan on May 19 to celebrate Narad Jayanti. Two senior journalists were also honoured on the occasion. Shri G Valliswar, editor of Andhra Pradesh presided over the function. Shri Madabhusi Sridhar, Professor at Nalswar University for Law, was the chief guest and spoke on ‘Paid News in the Indian Media’. Shri Kasireddy Venkata Reddy, secretary of Hindu Dharma Prachar Parishad, Tirumala Tirupathi Devosthanam was the chief speaker.
In the programme, Shri Radhe Shyam Sukla, editor of Swatantra Vaartha, Hindi daily was felicitated with Shri Bhandaru Sadasiva Rao Puraskar while Shri G Valliswar, chief editor of Andhra Pradesh, run by Government of Andhra Pradesh, was felicitated with Vadlamudi Rammohan Rao Puraskar. Over 75 journalists attended the function.