BJP State President V Muraleedharan while talking to Organiser, said the BJP is the real winner of the civic polls. “It has penetrated the ‘Padmavyuh’ of the CPM and the Congress and won handsomely, especially in the capital. With the six party LDF and seven party UDF ganged up, the BJP fought single-handedly and won seats. Both UDF and LDF supported jehadi parties like Jamaat-e-Islami, PDP, SDPI, NDF ,etc to woo Muslim votes. Even the accused in the hand chopping of Professor Joseph, Prof. Ansas has won. Candidates of NDF/SDPI have won in Kannur/Thodupuzha thanks to LDF/UDF support. The vote for UDF is not a positive vote. Wherever the BJP has put up strong candidates, people have voted for it. People are looking to BJP as a third alternative and are willing to try it. Keralities are fed up of the communal and opportunistic attitudes of both the fronts.”
“The BJP has emerged as a kingmaker in several municipalities and panchayats like Nedumangad, Eloor, Paravur, Thiruvalla, Mavelikkara, Kunnamkulam, etc. where nobody can rule. In Kasargod Congress-Muslim League – CPM ganged up and cross voted to defeat BJP candidates. Both CPM and Congress have to clarify whether it is vote sale or understanding”, he said.