Prime Minister, Dr Manmohan Singh, while talking to journalists returning with him from G8/G5 Summit might gloat over his startling revelations that ISI chief Shuja Pasha “has been exchanging notes” with top Indian diplomats and military attaches in Islamabad on progress with bringing the 26/11 plotters to book, the notorious Pakistani agency continues with its diabolical plot to foment trouble in the sensitive north east region and across the country.
Intelligence agencies have gathered enough evidences recently to indicate the involvement of ISI in destabilising northeast and subvert the economy of the country as a whole. “Operation dirty money” has become an everyday phenomenon. Fake Indian currency notes of Rs 1000 and Rs 500 are in wide circulation and reaching the towns and villages of the region in bulks through Bangladesh. In this operation are also involved D-Gang of Dawood Ibrahim and infamous ISI agent code named Batki based at Dubai, interrogations of some operatives have come out with the facts that after being printed in Karachi, Quetta and Peshawar, the forged notes sent via Kathmandu and Dhaka to the eastern region. The whole operation is monitored by Batki.
According to Research and Analysis (RAW) wing of Government of India, ISI uses high quality imported security papers to print fake notes which look alike Indian currencies. How deep is the menace can well be understood by the fact that out of every five notes, one is a fake. Crores of such notes have flooded the markets. It has penetrated banks and ATMs as well. The professionally printed notes are smuggled by planes, trains and buses. Excellent papers and printed quality with the details and the signature of current Governor leave no room for suspicion about their authenticity.
Even cadres of militant outfits have become active to spread the dragnet. On July 28, ISI operative identified as Anourul Haque, a resident of Chittagong in Bangladesh who ran a fake currency racket in Assam, was arrested along with four of his accomplices in Tezpur. He was involved in a number of terrorist activities. He was responsible for supplying IED and explosives to National Democratic Force of Bodoland (NDFB) before the recent bomb-blast in Sonitpur which killed an army Colonel and a jawan. He was recruited by ISI in 1995.
Lashkar-e-Toiba talent scout, Md. Umer Madani who was held in Delhi early June, was being hunted by Kolkata police for his involvement in fake currency racket operating in West Bengal capital. Two persons picked up with fake notes had earlier revealed that Madani was their associate. Mohibur Rahman and Tafezzel Hussain were nabbed from Beadon Street in Kolkata in May.
ISI is also playing second fiddle to Islamic outfit People’s United Liberation Front (PULF) based in Manipur. According to Intelligence agencies, the outfit floated in 1993 by local Pangal Muslims of Manipur under Azad Khan has been plotting for the creation of an Islamic state in the north-east. It could gain support of ULFA, Muslim United Liberation Tiger of Assam and other Islamic groups based in the region, Bangladesh and Pakistan.
With the arrest of one of its kingpins Abdul Noor and two other members of PULF in July from Imphal west district and their grilling by intelligence youths came out the direct support of ISI in extending logistic and material help to it for carving out a separate Islamic state as a part of the grand design for greater Bangladesh. The Pakistani trained Noor confessed how he had been working as a conduit to recruit Muslim youths for their arms training in Pakistan and their induction in the outfit to bolster up its man and striking power.
It was also revealed Noor had received necessary cover and back-up from Director General Field Forces Intelligence of Bangladesh for his destabilisation plan with active support from Pakistan. ISI and Bangladeshi links became more evident when on July 17, a group of seven PULF militants including its chief Abdur Rahaman and his wife Samina Akhtar were apprehended in Agartala by Tripura police.
The militants during interrogation admitted that they had gone to Bangladesh in March last and crossed over to Tripura on their way to Manipur. All of them also admitted that they had contacts in Bangladesh and had undergone training there. It might be recalled in December 2006, some cadres of PULF with a group of LeT terrorists were arrested in Delhi.