Indian Postal Department has released 11 new postal stamps on Jayadeva Muni and 10 Dasavatharam pictures taken from a book written by him in Sanskrit-“Gita Govindam”. Gita Govindam is an epic dates back to 13th century. Each postal stamp depicts the avataras of Lord Vishnu namely, Maccha, Kuurma, Varaha, Narasimha, Vaamana, Parasurama, Rama, Balarama, Krishna and Kalki logos. A Sanskrit version is also seen in the stamp. The cost of the stamp is Rupees Five. This is the first time in the history of Postal Department to release 11 postal stamps at a time. These stamps are released at Thiruchirappalli, Tamilnadu. Initially these stamps are for sale in 60 important post offices across the country.
(VSK Chennai)