The BJP, unambiguously, conveys to the Government of Pakistan that this road of confrontation chosen by them, after the recent terrorist attack on Mumbai, is a perilous road, a blind alley with no exit and must be avoided.
The BJP-led NDA has experienced the full spectrum of Pakistan'saggressive politics and policies, vis-?-vis India from Lahore to Kargil to Agra to January 6, 2004. This last, a commitment of nil ?tolerance of terrorist activity from the soil of Pakistan? is the only wise policy. A blanket denial of the obvious is not and cannot be a worthwhile policy. It must be recognised by Pakistan that even ?non-state actors?, assuming that to be their provenance, are after all operating from Pakistan'ssoil.
Our two countries are neighbours, let us observe at least an elementary code of neighbourly conduct. To Pakistan we say: Do not please violate the above cited commitment of January 6, 2004, also of all the UN resolutions and international opinions on terrorism.
A word for the US and other NATO countries: Your own investigations have repeatedly established the hand of Pakistan in assaults of this kind, for instance, in the recent blowing up of the Indian Embassy in Kabul. We hope that you will see through the attempt that is being made at blackmail by insinuating that, unless you toe its line, Pakistan may dilute even such co-operation as it is giving in the fight against jihadi-terrorism. We hope also that you will see that each time you step in to bail it out, you only embolden Pakistan to continue on its destructive course.
The BJP believes that the ultimate solution only lies with the people: they must ensure that power rests in the hands of persons who will always place the interests of our country above all else, who will never barter them for electoral gains.