Concerned over the worsening situation of flood in Bihar the Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) announced a specific action plan for relief and support of the victims. The VHP sent a draft of Rs 10,00,000 to Bihar unit on September 1. The Indraprastha Vishwa Hindu Parishad also dispatched its first lot of relief material for the flood victims. The material contained rice, pulses, flour, biscuits, clothes, and polythine sheets, etc. The consignment was flagged off by VHP general secretary Dr Praveen Togadia from Delhi. An emergency meeting of the state office bearers was called to take stock of the situation arose after the natural calamity in Bihar. It was decided to suspend all other activities for collecting releif material throughout the next week. A control room has also been set up in its office to look after the work. State general secretary of VHP Shri Satyendra Mohan appealed to the people of the national capital to donate generously for the flood victims. The control room would be working round the clock and its numbers are 011-23616372, 23541878. On September 5 and 6 the VHP workers were in the streets all over the country with proper identification to collect help in cash or kind from the people. Entire operation of help was run with local responsible senior people'ssupervision where a senior person from VHP Delhi is stationed in Bihar to monitor the help.