Your article on Rahul'snocturnal escapades from his ?Discover Orissa? tour into unrecorded, one-to-one night-long discussions with proselytising Christian missionaries in their remote camps (March 23) was an eye-opener.
Tony Blair'sprojection of Rahul as ?prime-minister material? during his recent India visit, as reported on March 21-22, was a further shock. These two apparently unrelated events synchronize with an alien strategic game-plan.
First, about Tony Blair. He was an immensely popular Prime Minister of the UK till the Brits discovered that he had lied about the presence of weapons of mass destruction in Saddam'sIraq and had perversely dragged his country into fighting Bush'swar in Iraq. From then on his resignation was imminent. Promptly on resigning he converted to Catholicism (from the Anglican Church). It may be noted that his wife Cherie was already a Catholic, and after conversion Blair has met the Pope at least once, if not more times.
Next, about Papal tactics for extending the ?Kingdom of God?. Among the various means adopted by the Church for extending its dominion, once the most cunning and powerful, and used in the case of monarchical societies when other means have failed, is to plant a committed spouse into the royal family through enticement, who in turn first converts the fountainhead of power (usually the king) and then forcibly converts the populace. This was first used by the Christians in the Eastern Roman Empire in the 3rd-4th centuries AD, which literally gave Christianity the first taste of political power (prior to which they were a persecuted lot). Christianity has not looked back since then.
Another critical example of successful execution of this tactic was the subjugation of Lithuania in the 14th century. The Lithuanians were nature worshippers (pagans according to Christianity) whose gods and goddesses were akin to Hinduism not only in functionality but even in name. Their highest god was Deva, goddess of dawn was Usra, goddess of wealth and fortune was Lakma, and so on. They ruled a powerful empire stretching from Catholic Poland (nay, rest of Europe) in the West to the borders of Moscow in Orthodox Russia and from north to south extended from the Baltic to the Black sea. This was about a thousand years after the rest of Europe had converted. Countless expeditions sent out by various Popes to defeat them (the Northern Crusades) had all ended in abysmal failure. Then the thousand-year-old trick was played out again. The prince of Lithuania was enticed into marrying the princess of Poland. And forcible conversion followed. Entire Europe became the Land of Christ. Within two centuries the Lithuanian empire disappeared, in three centuries the Lithanian nation. Only the language remains today as identity.
Now let us return to India. The Papacy has identified the current millenium as the ?Millenium of Asia?. Needless to say, the conversion of India, the mother of most of the world'sreligions and the heart of Asia, is the fulcrum of this plan. And when things become critical, the brahmastra is brought into play. Only the ground has to be ripe.
The growing political acceptability of the pseudo-Gandhi family, in symbyotic symphony with the growth of sycophancy and near-collapse of public ethics (in part due to the pseudo-secular hold over our education systems), provided all the trappings of a monarchical, one-family system. Thus, the ground is observed to be ripe. Now the insertion. Sonia Gandhi was a good plant, but being noticeably European in a country that had just rejected the European yoke (colonialism), was transparently visible to all. But not so her son.
To implement the plan, two issues had to be worked out. One, the motivation of the selected person. Do the nocturnal escapades (first para) provide a hint? Two, clearing the path for the takeover. Tony Blair'scomments for an unsuspecting Indian middle-class now fall into place. Now we see how these two events, apparently unrelated, are elementary manifestations of the grand Papal strategy to annihilate Hinduism.
How long will we Hindus continue to sleep? It must be noted that just passing laws in some assemblies, or even grassroots work among our neglected sections, are insufficient. Awakening to the contemporary civilisational challenges at a global level, critical analysis of these challenges akin to the Theory of Games, and then permeation of this awakening into the common population to a degree that sycophantic, quasi-monarchical traits disappear from our public, are the real challenges for us. Are we ready to take them up?