Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad (ABVP) has strongly condemned the barbarous acts committed in Nandigram by the CPM activists with the active help of the West Bengal Government. Demanding the imposition of Article 356 in the state and immediate dismissal of the Left Front Government, the largest student organisation of the world, has further demanded to send army in the state as the law and order situation has totally collapsed in West Bengal.
In a press statement issued on November 12 the ABVP general secretary Suresh Bhatt said since January 2007, the state sponsored terrorism began at Nandigram in East Midnapur district of West Bengal when the state government decided to acquire land by force for creating SEZ with a view to build up a comical hub by deceiving the farmers. Under the circumstances the farmers started resistance against the Marxist government. On March14, the state terrorism showed its ugly face when the state police and the CPI-M cadres started attacking the poor unarmed peasants. As a result, officially 14 people including women and children were killed but unofficially the number is several times higher and scores were injured, mass rape took place and the houses burnt. Since then intermittent firing was going on between Bhumi Uchhed Pratirodh Committee (BUPC), the body formed to resist acquisition of land, and the communist goons.
Incidentally, it may be mentioned that the Nandigram area was controlled by Left Front for the last three decades. But after the movement, the communists lost all control over the area for long 11 months in spite of their best efforts to regain the area. As their all efforts failed they became desperate and gathered few hundred mercenaries from within the state and outside neighboring areas. For the last seven days the government withdrew police from the area and the goondas started operation from Novemebr 4 with modern weapons like AK 47, SLR guns, bombs etc. Until the operation was complete nobody including press was allowed to enter the area, even CRPF was resisted by the cadres. ?As a result of such brutal attacks more than 30,000 villagers were homeless and forced to flee the area. Officially, five were dead and 18 injured but the actual figure is many times higher. This time also mass rape was committed and houses of members of BUPC burnt and destroyed. (FOC)