Foundation for Viveka-nanda Yoga Pratishthan Bhavan was laid in Lucknow recently by BJP president Shri Rajnath Singh, Uttarakhand Chief Minister Shri B.C. Khanduri, Ramjanmabhoomi Sewa Nayas president Mahant Nrityagopal Das and Mayor of Lucknow Dr Dinesh Sharma. The building will be built by Bhaorao Deoras Sewa Nyas in the premises of Madhav Sewa Ashram at Raibareilly Road.
Laying the foundation stone Shri Rajnath Singh came down heavily upon the Congress, which claims to follow Gandhiji but always works against his ideals. He said those who insult Sri Ram cannot survive in this country. Shri Singh along with other dignitaries also unveiled the newly constructed second floor of a residential building at the Madhav Sewa Ashram premises. Mahant Nrityagopal Das while releasing the special issue of Sewa Chetana said if Sri Ram is a myth, the whole world is a myth. He praised the service activities being done by Bhaorao Deoras Sewa Nyas.
Presiding over the function, Shri B.C. Khanduri also praised the service activities of the Nyas. He assured full cooperation of his government in all such activities. Mayor of Lucknow Dr Dinesh Sharma, co-ordinator of Vivekananda Yoga Pratishthan Shri Prabhat Kumar and convener of Madhav Sewa Ashram Shri Vishwanath Khemka also spoke on the occasion. Dr Ishwar Chandra Gupt, Dr Devendra Pratap Singh, Dr A.P. Singh, Shri Ramkumar Agrawal, Shri Brahmdev Sharma ?Bhaiji? and Dr Anil Jain were among the prominent personalities present on the occasion. (FOC)