RSS Sarsanghachalak, Shri K.S. Sudarshan, has said that Hindus should not mistake to think that the threat to Ram Sethu has vanished. He said the affidavit filed in the apex court under the pressure of leftists has deeply hurt the sentiments of crores of Hindus world over. ?This was denying their very identity,? he said while delivering the Vijaydashami speech in Nagpur on October 20.
Addressing a gathering of uniformed swayamsevaks, he said those who question the historicity of Shri Ram should take a lesson from the discoveries of Dr Ram Autar Sharma, who spent 24 years of his life in personally visiting 214 places where Rama had stayed during the 14 years he spent in forests as also 23 places where Rama had gone with Sage Vishwamitra upto Janakpur. ?He has photographed of all those temples, lakes, rivers, ghats, huts, etc. where Sri Rama treaded and also prepared a map of them all. The great effort put in by Dr Ram Autar is a slap on the face of all those who are denying the very existence of Sri Rama. What type of democratic set-up we are living in where the Central Cabinet Minister Shri T.R. Balu and Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu M. Karunanidhi are brazenly flouting the public opinion and also the opinions of scientists, astronomers, archeologists, geologists, environmentalists who are giving evidences of Rama'sexistence? What right has such a minister to be in the Central Cabinet, he questioned.
Referring to the leftists and DMK pressure on Prime Minister over the destruction of Ram Sethu Shri Sudarshan said if he is a devout Sikh, he should ponder over the Shabad of Guru Nanakdeo in the Holy Guru Granth Sahib (page 942). He alleged that America wants to establish her hegemony over the Bay of Bengal also. ?It has already its influence over the Indian Ocean because of its military base in Diago Garcia. China also has her design. It has established its strategic base in Coco islands adjacent to the Myanmar border and has established her jurisdiction over the Gwadar port of Pakistan. Similarly, China is participating in the construction of a most modern sea-port in Hamantota situated on the south coast of Sri Lanka. Thus, the strategies of both America and China have weakened the position of Bharat in its own historical waters. When the ships of USA and China begin to cruise between Bharat and Sri Lanka waters, the security of Bharat will be endangered. But look of the hypocrisy of the Indian communists. They are opposing the nuclear-deal between Bharat and USA on the ground that it will lead to American hegemony, but are keeping silent in the matter of SSCP only because it is going to benefit China also,? the Sarsanghachalak added.
Shri Sudarshan also visited an exhibition organised by Dr Ram Autar Sharma at Mundale auditorium in Nagpur displaying 250 rare pictures and maps of Sri Ram'stwo visits. He lauded the efforts of Dr Sharma and told him to continue his research.
Speaking as chief guest at the RSS Foundation Day function, Dr Jagmohan Singh Rajput, noted educationist and former NCERT director, called upon the new generation of the country to have knowledge of country'sculture, history and its great legacy. ?The person must have complete information about the society, civilisation and the nationality in which he/she is born and brought up,? he said further adding that the young generation has to shape the great future of the nation and it will be possible only by deeper study, investigation, research and analysis.
?The greatness of India should become an inspiration for all. The national interest is above all and the social interest comes before the family interest. The Indian traditions of inventions of knowledge and technology have been praised all over the world. The Indian youth should try to receive excellence in modern science, technology and should use it for their own country. There is still a section in our country, which has still been trying to belie the Indian achievements and efforts and they have been getting the government support also. They must be opposed. All countrymen have much expectations from the concept of rashtra nirman (national construction) that has been materialised by the Sangh through its man-making system because the work and thinking of RSS strengthen the human values. Only those who do good are told to do more good,? Dr Rajput said.
He also highlighted the circumstances in which the new generation of the country is being brought up and educated, what challenges they are facing, what their educational institutions are doing for them and how vigilant they are for their future. He said the policy makers of Independent India completely ignored education, which is perhaps the most important aspect for development and progress. He said faith in human values is must for progress but unfortunately it is not visible today. He called upon the society to help in exposing and promoting the talent of students by developing positive atmosphere around them. (FOC)