On the eve of Shri Guruji Birth Centenary Celebration, the Andhra Pradesh utsava samithi conducted a programme on October 24, with saints and sadhus from all corners of Hyderabad in the auditorium of Telugu University, Nampally. The programme was presided by Dr. P.T. Chandramouli who gave a brief description of Shri Guruji'slove with the society. The chief guest Shri Manasa Chennappa, an Arya Samaj member and professor in Osmania University told that varna vyavasta is for the welfare of the society but the political leaders are using this caste system for their vote banks. It is unfortunate that in our country our people raise their voice against India. It is not possible in other countries. Even professors are speaking against Hinduism. We have to take inspiration from our ancients to unite Hindu society then we can face the conversions. Shri Bhagaiah in his speech told we do puja for trees, stones, and keep pet animals with us but keep our brothers at a distance. They are also the sons of Bharat Mata. The Christian missionaries came from foreign countries and they are converting our brothers into their fold. We have to take a decision that now onwards I will not allow a single conversion then only we can save this society. Shri Guruji with his efforts conducted a meeting with all walks of saints in Udipi and they made a resolution that there is no untouchability in Hinduism everybody is sacred person and all Hindus are one brother. The real homage to Shri Guruji is that we have to bring social harmony in our society. Pushpagiri Peethadhipati Shri Vidya Nrusimha Bharati told that we should work together to face the conversions and we have to go to the common man and preach them then we can stop the conversions. The other participants were Shri Vratha Dhara Ramanuja Jeeyar Swamy of Jagannadha Peetam, Shri Sathyavadananda Prabhuji of Sai Datta Peetam, Shri Binduji Maharaj of Udaasin Math and Yati Raja Acharya of Kasi Peethadipati.
(Samachara Bharati, Andhra Pradesh.)