Uttaranchal Prant Pracharak Shri Shiv Prakash told the mediapersons in Dehradun that a total of 180 Hindu sammelans would be held in the state from November 1 to December 20. These sammelans would be held in all 95 blocks and 13 cities of the state with a view to observe the birth centenary of Shri Guruji. To make these Hindu sammelans a grand success, a total of 854 Vistaraks (whole timers) are specially engaged. He said a big campaign has been started to spread the message of Hindutva in every house of the state. He said conveners at the level of Nayay Panchayat, Hindu Samiti at the level of Khand and Gram Panchayat have been constituted so that more Hindus from every house, every village, every town and city may participate in the sammelans. Representatives of all political parties, social organisations and all other organisations active in the field of Hindu awakening have being contacted and all kinds of co-operation is being sought from them.
He pointed out that about 190 prominent Sadhus and Saints from various Maths and Mandirs and from all prominent panthas, will spread the message of social harmony and unity in diversity in Hinduism. ?About 500 well known social workers, environmentalists, professors and lecturers will participate in the sammelans. These sammelans would discuss on infiltration of Bangladeshis, religious conversion, demographic imbalance, Maoist menace, Swadeshi, social harmony, Hindutva and the life of Shri Guruji. The main objective of these sammelans is to make the Hindu society aware of the dangers to national security and integration and to awake the Hindus against the anti-national forces. Leading personalities including VHP president Shri Ashok Singhal, Swami Satyamitranand Giri, Swami Ashimanand, Shankaracharaya Swami Rajrajeshwarashram and Yogi Adityanath will address the sammelans,? he said. (By Ravindra Saini)