The Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) has said the headcounts on communal basis in the judiciary by Sachar Committee would lead to another division of the country. ?It would destroy the basic fabric of our proud independent judiciary and other important services. The vote-bank politics will cause a serious damage to the nation,? said Shri Vinod Bansal, media chief of Indraprastha Vishwa Hindu Parishad (IVHP). Reacting strongly to the headcount of members of Muslim community in the judiciary Shri Bansal demanded the Prime Minister to wind up such a communal committee immediately in the national interest. He further said the Congress has never been comfortable with the idea of an independent judiciary. Smt Indira Gandhi had also attempted to foist ?committed judges? on the Supreme Court. To suit their policy of Muslim appeasement, the subsequent Congress regimes are seeking to manipulate the judicial appointments, he added. (FOC)