?The world is sliding into an unprecedented global job crisis. Even the most robust growth is not creating enough jobs. And this growth is insufficient in itself to reverse the deficit in decent work and reduce poverty. The global job crisis, which is also creating a deficit of decent work, is one of the biggest security risks of our time. Addressing this crisis is, therefore, essential,? said Shri Hasubhai Dave, former BMS president, while addressing the 95th session of International Labour Conference (ILC) in Geneva on June 8. He said economic growth continues to be a necessary objective as a means for achieving economic development and job creation. ?We must focus not just on global, but also on local economic development. This requires the right mix of macro, micro and sectoral policies,? he said.
The BMS leader further said in a global and increasingly integrated economy people'sskills determine not only individual employability but also how a country does business with the rest of the world. ?We need a big thrust on education, training, lifelong learning and upgrading human capacities. To meet the challenges of the global job crisis the governments, business and trade union leaderships and relevant international organisations have to join hands in close technical cooperation with other stakeholders of global society,? Shri Dave emphasised. (FOC)