Vishwa Hindu Parishad has strongly objected to the Pope'sinterference in religious maters of Bharat. In a statement issued in New Delhi on May 20, VHP president Shri Ashok Singhal said that right to uphold ancestral faith should be fundamental right for inter-religious harmony because if everybody accepts right to uphold ancestral faith nobody would convert people of other faiths and there would not be inter-religious conflicts. ?While Pope has expressed right to convert as a fundamental right and objected to the Rajasthan Anti-conversion Law, he has insulted Indian Supreme Court, which has already given historical judgment in 1977. Under Article 25, the Supreme Court has said that nobody has the right to convert. So henceforward conversion is anti-constitutional activity and it is the duty of a state to enact a law to stop conversion. Vatican is a state. Can anybody propagate and convert Christians in Vatican? If Pope cannot allow conversion of Christians in Vatican how can he expect conversion of Hindus in Bharat?? the statement said. The statement further added that since both the Christians and Hindus are facing the same threat of jehad i.e. terrorism, it is better that instead of fighting against each other, we should fight against jehad unitedly and the Pope should declare that Church would not convert any Hindu.