On January 12, 50 Hindu families from the village of Ladhauli in Iglas, Aligarh, experienced a Ghar Wapsi after they had previously converted to Christianity. These families had been attending prayer meetings and embracing Christian practices, but through the intervention of Gargi Kanya Gurukul and Agni Samaj, they were brought back to their original faith. The event was centred around a welcome yagna where these families offered sacrifices and pledged to reconnect with their cultural and religious identity.
The yagna, which is a Vedic fire ritual, was the focal point of the Ghar Wapsi ceremony. As part of their reintegration into the Hindu fold, the families were not only welcomed back but were also made to take a solemn vow. The pledge included a commitment to stay away from practices such as casteism, consuming non-vegetarian food, alcohol, and obscene material. The ceremony concluded with a resounding chant of Sanatan Dharma slogans, affirming their renewed dedication to the ancient traditions of Vedic Sanatan Dharma.
This Ghar Wapsi event is part of a larger mission initiated by Gargi Kanya Gurukul and Agni Samaj, spearheaded by Acharya Manu Arya and IIT graduate-turned-Vedic scholar Sanjeev Newar. Their mission seeks to prevent religious conversions, which they consider fraudulent, and to promote the revival of Sanatan Dharma across the region. Acharya Arya emphasised the importance of preserving the cultural and spiritual heritage of the Hindu community, especially in areas where conversions have led to a dilution of traditional practices.
Earlier, the mission had successfully facilitated the Ghar Wapsi of another 50 families in Rohta Road, Meerut, to Sanatan Dharma, marking the first step in their ongoing effort to curb religious conversions and reinforce the teachings of the Vedas. Speaking about the significance of the Aligarh event, Sanjeev Newar highlighted that the region had often been in the news for cases of forced or fraudulent religious conversions, making this Ghar Wapsi ceremony an important and timely move for spiritual empowerment.
Agni Samaj’s initiative is not just about reversing conversions, but also about fostering a sense of unity and spiritual strength among Hindus. Newar stated that his organisation’s primary goal is to prevent forced conversions and reintroduce Vedic values into the fabric of society. By encouraging families to reconnect with their faith through Ghar Wapsi, the movement aims to ensure that future generations remain rooted in their cultural traditions.
As the mission continues to gain momentum in West Uttar Pradesh, particularly in Aligarh, it is clear that the initiative is not just a one-time event, but part of a larger movement to revitalise Hindu identity, combat fraudulent conversions, and foster a deeper connection to the values and practices of Sanatan Dharma. This Ghar Wapsi event is a powerful statement about the importance of preserving religious and cultural integrity.
The return of 50 Hindu families to Sanatan Dharma in Aligarh is more than just a symbolic homecoming; it is a powerful message about the importance of preserving religious and cultural integrity. With the support of Gargi Kanya Gurukul and Agni Samaj, the mission to protect the community from deceptive conversions and revive Vedic traditions is gaining significant traction through the Ghar Wapsi movement.