Uttar Pradesh Police apprehended two individuals linked to the November 24 violence in Sambhal from Batla House, Delhi, on the night of November 29. The arrests—bringing the total number of detainees in the case to 51—are part of a sweeping investigation aimed at unearthing connections between the Sambhal unrest and areas in the national capital.
The suspects, identified as Mohd Adnan and an unnamed accomplice, were traced to the Muslim-majority locality of Batla House, following a tip-off from informants. Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) Krishna Kumar Vishnoi confirmed that the arrests were made after the duo was positively identified using video footage and photographs from the violence. “Our team acted on precise intelligence and arrested the suspects, who had been evading capture by seeking shelter in Delhi,” Vishnoi stated.
The November 24 violence in Sambhal left five civilians dead and numerous others injured, triggering a massive police crackdown in the region. Moradabad Divisional Commissioner Aunjaneya Singh revealed that areas like Jamia, Okhla, Jafrabad, and Seelampur in Delhi are under surveillance for suspected links to the unrest.
Sambhal Superintendent of Police Krishan Kumar Bishnoi noted that evidence, including video footage, has been pivotal in identifying suspects. So far, 51 arrests have been made, but authorities estimate that over 350 individuals are still at large. “Efforts are underway to locate and apprehend all those involved,” Bishnoi affirmed.
Batla House, a densely populated area with a significant Muslim population, became a refuge for those fleeing the police crackdown in Sambhal. According to police sources, Adnan admitted during interrogation to taking shelter in Batla House with friends to evade arrest. His confession has strengthened investigators’ suspicions of coordinated efforts to aid fugitives.
The arrests have spotlighted the locality’s role in harboring suspects, raising questions about the extent of logistical support provided to those on the run. “The suspects confessed to their involvement in the violence and their decision to flee to Batla House, knowing it would provide anonymity,” an officer involved in the case disclosed.
While the police intensify their hunt for suspects, the crackdown has stirred unease among Sambhal’s residents, particularly within the Muslim community. Reports of youth fleeing in fear of wrongful detention have emerged, compounding tensions in the already fragile region.
In a separate but related development, a complaint was filed with Sambhal police alleging death threats against Samajwadi Party MP Ziaur Rahman Barq and his father, Mamlukur Rahman Barq. An FIR has been registered against Ajay Sharma from the Kotpurvi locality, who was detained for disturbing the peace on December 28.
Authorities are now intensifying efforts to track down the remaining 350 suspects believed to be involved in the Sambhal violence. “We are examining evidence from various sources, including digital footprints, to ensure every individual responsible is brought to justice,” SSP Vishnoi said.