Mangaluru: In a disturbing incident, a young woman from Surathkal, located on the outskirts of Mangalore in Dakshina Kannada district, received a chilling death threat message. The message read, “Tell your sister to love me, otherwise, I will cut you into 24 pieces.” The young man and his family have alleged that the threat originated from an individual belonging to the Muslim community, leading to a police investigation and subsequent arrest.
The issue escalated when the accused, reportedly a resident of Surathkal, hacked the young woman’s Facebook account. Through her account, he sent a threatening message stating, “Cooperate with me, otherwise I will cut you into 24 pieces.” The young woman, whose identity remains protected, accused the individual of online harassment, claiming that he had been stalking her and sending threatening messages.
A case was registered at the Surathkal Police Station against the accused for allegedly hacking into the woman’s Facebook account and sending threatening messages to her brother. The police arrested a local youth, identified as Mohammed Sharik of Sadashivnagar, for interrogation.
After being taken into custody, the police interrogated Sharik . However, due to a lack of substantial evidence, he was released, causing outrage and concern among the victim’s family. Despite the arrest and interrogation, the accused continued to harass the young woman and her family.
The situation took a tragic turn when the young woman attempted suicide by taking sleeping pills on Thursday. Before the act, she wrote a heart-wrenching death note, stating, “The youth of Idya community is harassing. Even the police did not help me get any justice. I will die now instead of being raped by a Muslim. Both Shariq and his mother Noorzahan should not be spared.”
The note revealed the extent of mental trauma the young woman had endured due to the threats and harassment. The police were criticised for their perceived inaction, as the young woman’s family claimed that despite complaints and reports, the accused was allowed to roam freely, leading to the suicide attempt.
Deena a friend of the young woman, shared more details, shedding light on the harassment faced by the victim. According to Deena , the victim had gone to a general store in March, which was located near the accused’s house. She alleged that the accused’s family had proposed a marriage between the accused and the young woman, but her family had immediately rejected it. Following this, the harassment intensified.
“He had sent her messages on various platforms, even after she blocked him on Google Pay and Instagram. One day,accused’s sister took her mobile phone under the pretense of needing it and changed her Facebook password, allowing him to access her account and send more threatening messages,” Deena stated.
The accused allegedly sent explicit threats to the victim’s brother, threatening to commit heinous acts of violence and rape. “He said he would cut her into 24 pieces,” Deena recalled, further highlighting the trauma endured by the young woman.
Despite being arrested and interrogated, the accused was released, causing widespread outrage. After his release, Sharik reportedly continued to harass the victim’s family, brazenly threatening them that he would continue the harassment, no matter how many times he was detained. “The game starts from today,” he allegedly said, signaling his intent to continue his aggressive behavior.
The young woman’s friend Deena mentioned, “She wrote a death note and swallowed the pills. She said she could not endure it anymore. The fact that the police interrogated him and let him out was a huge tension for her. After being released, the accused’s mother was seen mocking and laughing at her.”
The case has sparked widespread outrage in the community, with many criticising the police for their mishandling of the situation. Locals have demanded stricter action against the accused, expressing concern over the safety of women in the area. The incident has also highlighted the need for stronger measures to tackle cyber harassment and protect individuals from such threats.
The police assured the public that an FIR has been registered against the accused at the Surathkal Police Station. However, the incident has raised concerns about the efficacy of police action and the need for better protection mechanisms for victims of harassment and stalking.
The young woman remains hospitalised, and her family and friends are calling for justice, demanding that authorities take concrete steps to address the harassment and ensure the safety of the victim and her family. The incident has not only left the community shocked but also sparked discussions on the need for stricter laws and immediate action to address cases of harassment and threats.