Following the horrifying murder of 22-year-old Ram Gopal Mishra in Bahraich, Uttar Pradesh, details of the brutal killing have now emerged, shocking the community. According to post-mortem reports and statements from family members, Ram Gopal was tortured before being killed. His throat was slit, his nails were pulled out with pliers, and his body was riddled with holes. The accused, fearing police action, are now believed to have fled to Nepal.
The incident, which has gone viral on social media, shows Ram Gopal removing a green flag and replacing it with a saffron one. The video, filmed on the terrace of Abdul Hamid’s house, depicts the beginning of the violence. Neighbours have confirmed that the attack occurred there. Ram Gopal was dragged from the terrace and shot multiple times, with reports indicating as many as 15 bullets were fired at him.
Locals have now revealed that Abdul Hamid and his family, accused of being involved in the attack, have fled to Nepal to avoid arrest.
One of the participants in the visarjan procession, Abhishek, recounted the sequence of events to Dainik Bhaskar. “The procession reached in front of Abdul Hamid’s house in Maharajganj. Abdul’s family members objected to the music and cut the DJ’s wire, breaking it. Soon, more people joined them, and they began shouting slogans against Hindu dharma,” he said.
He further recalled, “Then, a voice came from inside a house—‘Catch ****.’ They pulled Rajan and Krishna, who were with us, inside the house. Ram Gopal ran the other way and jumped onto a roof. There was a flag there. He broke it and started waving a saffron flag.”
Pappu, who lives next to Abdul Hamid’s house, corroborated the account, saying, “On the evening of the 13th, around 20-25 people entered our house. They rushed up to the roof. Ram Gopal was among them. He jumped from our roof onto Abdul’s roof, removed the flag, and began waving a saffron flag.”
Pappu’s daughter, Neha, added, “While Ram Gopal was waving the flag, three people from Abdul’s house came up and dragged him down. They shot him right there.”
Pappu also revealed that Abdul Hamid’s eldest son, Pintu, had a criminal background and was a known history-sheeter. “A gangster act has been filed against him,” Pappu said, adding that Pintu and his family had fled to Nepal following the violence.
According to a report, the Anti-Terror Squad (ATS) team has contacted Nepal’s intelligence agencies based on information that the two brothers who allegedly killed Ram Gopal have taken refuge in Nepal. It is suspected that they are hiding there after the crime.
Since the incident, the police, Special Operations Group (SOG), and several other teams have been tirelessly working to arrest the accused, who remain at large. Despite ongoing efforts, no arrests have been made, and there is speculation that one of the key suspects, Salman, may have successfully crossed the border into Nepal with the other accused.
At present, no responsible police officer has commented on the situation, but several teams are conducting raids to capture the suspects. Meanwhile, local police are continuously patrolling the area to maintain law and order, assuring the public that peace has been restored.
Reports also suggest that Abdul Hamid’s house served as the launchpad for the assault, with him allegedly masterminding the attack. His two sons, Sarfaraz and Faheem, have also been named as suspects. A local resident, speaking anonymously, claimed that Abdul Hamid’s family had connections in Nepal and may have crossed the border after the attack. Additionally, it has been reported that Abdul Hamid has ties to anti-India elements in Nepal and frequently visits a madrasa near Fultekra in Nepal’s Banke district, a known hub for anti-India and anti-Hindu activities.
The murder of Ram Gopal has sparked widespread anger in the community. Locals have demanded strict action, including an encounter with the accused and the demolition of their houses using bulldozers. There is also a growing appeal for financial assistance and government jobs to be provided to the family of the deceased.
The police administration is working to calm the situation, but tensions remain high as the community mourns the loss of Ram Gopal and awaits justice for the heinous crime.