HYDERABAD: In a significant breakthrough, reports emerged that Hyderabad police have identified the suspect in the Muthyalamma Temple attack as Salman Saleem Thakur, a non-local who arrived in Secunderabad from Thane, Mumbai, for a one-month English learning workshop. Salman Saleem, who was staying at the Metro Police Hotel just 100 meters from the temple, reportedly frequented a nearby mosque for Friday prayers.
According to residents of Kurmaguda, where the temple is located, there are three mosques within a 200-meter radius. Additionally, the nearby Monda Market area hosts six more mosques of various sizes, raising concerns about the possible sheltering of non-locals in the vicinity. Community sources allege that some local political and religious leaders may be aiding outsiders in evading the law, with suspicions that such figures might be encouraging criminal acts to disrupt communal harmony.
The Muthyalamma Temple is located close to the regional passport office. Locals report that Kurmaguda has only four or five Muslim families, with the rest of the population being Hindu. They claim that, over the past 3–4 years, these Muslim families have converted their independent homes into mosques and have been encouraging Muslims from other areas to gather there for Friday prayers, often seeking donations to upgrade the mosques and their facilities.
Initially, police faced accusations of attempting to cover up the incident by framing it as temple theft. However, increased pressure and public scrutiny have accelerated the investigation, prompting officials to explore a broader network possibly linked to this and similar incidents.
The Telangana BJP criticised the state Congress government, posting on X, “The Congress appears more interested in shielding those responsible for desecrating the sacred Matha idol, while the BRS silently supports them. These parties are quick to seek Hindu votes during elections, but when it comes to protecting Hindu dignity and faith, their leaders show indifference. Where is their solidarity now, when it’s truly needed?”
What SALEEM has done is a blatant act of hatred and disrespect toward Hindu Gods and Goddesses. Such acts are not just an affront to religious sentiments but an attack on the harmony that binds us as a society.
While the Congress party dismisses it as mere theft, other political… pic.twitter.com/imsp117R6z
— BJP Telangana (@BJP4Telangana) October 14, 2024
Minister of State for Home Affairs, Bandi Sanjay, also visited the Mutyalamma Temple to assess the situation.
Live : from Mutyalamma Temple where Ammavaru idol was vandalised https://t.co/F25HN1QyPn
— Bandi Sanjay Kumar (@bandisanjay_bjp) October 14, 2024
Responding to the incident, BRS Working President KTR commented on X, “The state government must answer for the alarming decline in law and order in recent months.”
The attack on Muthyalamma Temple in Secunderabad is deeply disturbing. Such senseless acts are a blot on our city's tolerant fabric. I demand immediate and stringent action against the miscreants
The state government must be held accountable for the alarming deterioration in law…
— KTR (@KTRBRS) October 14, 2024
Additionally, MLA Raja Singh has been placed under house arrest by police.
Police detained BJP leader Madhavi Latha and other leaders and workers as they were protesting over the alleged vandalisation of Muthyalamma temple idol in Kurmaguda.
#WATCH | Hyderabad, Telangana: Police detain Madhavi Latha and other BJP leaders and workers as they were protesting over the alleged vandalisation of Muthyalamma temple idol in Kurmaguda.
Madhavi Latha says "They are taking me to the jail for protesting over the vandalisation… https://t.co/U7TcUnoO5O pic.twitter.com/9Wx2GJrgbx
— ANI (@ANI) October 14, 2024
Speaking to media, city Taskforce DCP, YVS Sudhindra says, “Today early morning, an incident occurred in the temple. The accused has been caught by the locals and is in the hospital. Complaint has been given and a case has been registered. We will thoroughly investigate and take strict action against the accused and ensure that such incidents do not repeat…”
#WATCH | Hyderabad, Telangana: Over the alleged vandalisation of the Muthyalamma temple idol in Kurmaguda, city Taskforce DCP, YVS Sudhindra says, "Today early morning, an incident occurred in the temple. The accused has been caught by the locals and is in the hospital. Complaint… pic.twitter.com/qLsF03QqwS
— ANI (@ANI) October 14, 2024
The police stated they are “investigating the incident, reviewing CCTV footage, and interviewing witnesses to track down all individuals involved. Efforts are underway to understand the full context and potential motives behind the desecration, with authorities aiming to restore calm and address growing concerns within the community.