The hillside town of Shimla has been thrust into the spotlight due to a contentious incident at the ‘Home Stay Raj Villa’ where allegations of beef being served have ignited communal tensions. The controversy, which erupted on October 5, 2024, during the Hindu festival of Navratri, has sparked debate over religious sensitivities.
According to Kamal Gautam, a local Hindu activist, two individuals, Rais Khan and Rizwan, both hailing from Kashmir, were accused of cooking and consuming beef at the hotel. Gautam’s allegations were supported by video evidence he shared, which showed the altercation that ensued when Hindu staff members confronted the accused. This confrontation reportedly escalated into a physical dispute before hotel management intervened.
In response to the allegations, the hotel took immediate action. The Muslim employees in question were made to publicly apologise at a local cow shelter, an act intended to placate the Hindu staff. However, the staff found this insufficient, leading to the dismissal of the employees involved.
Upon receiving complaints, the Shimla police, under the supervision of SHO Dharm Singh Negi from Sadar police station, conducted a thorough investigation at the hotel. Initial findings by the police did not uncover any beef, though they noted that a jar of pickles had been brought into the hotel by the accused. The police suggested that the incident might be part of a larger conspiracy aimed at stirring communal tensions, especially considering the timing during Navratri, a period when many Hindus observe vegetarianism.
Despite the police’s report, members of various Hindu organisations remain unconvinced. Gautam, in particular, has criticised the police investigation, questioning the rationale behind the dismissal of the Muslim staff if they were indeed innocent. He further highlighted statements from the hotel manager which apparently acknowledged a mistake, hinting at the firing of the Muslim employees as a form of punishment.