In response to the severe flooding in Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh, members of the RSS (Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh) have actively engaged in relief and rescue operations. The flooding, triggered by extensive rains on August 30 and 31, resulted in the breach of the Budameru stream and inundated areas including Ayodhya Nagar, Singh Nagar, Bhavanipuram, Krishna Lanka, and Mahanadu Katta.
Addressing the urgent needs of the affected residents, the members of Seva Bharathi, a unit of the RSS, organized an immediate relief effort. The operation saw the distribution of food packets and water bottles to those in need. Approximately 100 women, 40 students, and 75 men participated in the relief efforts.
Specifically, Singh Nagar received 4,500 food packets and 3,500 water bottles. Ayodhya Nagar was provided with 2,200 food packets and 1,800 water bottles, while Mahanadu Katta saw 800 food packets distributed. Additionally, the One Town area received 1,200 food packets and 700 water bottles. Efforts were also made to rescue individuals trapped in the floods and bring them to safety.
Andhra Pradesh has been hit by severe floods following heavy rainfall over the past three days, with some regions recording between 29 cm to 34 cm of rain in a single day, leading to widespread devastation. The overflow of the Budameru stream through Vijayawada city has exacerbated the situation, submerging several colonies and forcing nearly two lakh residents to seek refuge on the terraces and upper floors of their homes.