Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath has called on Kanwariyas to maintain self-discipline and devotion during the Kanwar Yatra in the holy month of Shravan. Addressing the devotees on Monday, the Chief Minister emphasised the importance of a smooth and safe pilgrimage.
CM Yogi assured that the state government, in coordination with the Centre, has made comprehensive arrangements to ensure the safety and convenience of the devotees. “Efforts have been started keeping in mind that there should be no problems, no disorder, and no one can hurt the religious sentiments of devotees,” he said.
Emphasising his own devotion to Lord Shiva, Yogi Adityanath urged the Kanwariyas to remember that no festival or ritual can be complete without self-discipline. He encouraged the devotees to engage fully in the pilgrimage, both mentally and physically, demonstrating discipline and devotion.
“For a smooth and safe journey, we must immerse ourselves wholly in the process, both internally and externally. To become like Shiva, we need to practice devotion and discipline like Shiva,” he said.
The Chief Minister highlighted that this Kanwar Yatra would not only symbolise faith and belief but also represent the widespread trust of the common people. He noted the immense devotion with which people from various sections of society are working to serve the Kanwariyas.
The government has initiated several efforts to ensure a seamless pilgrimage. These measures include enhanced patrolling, cleanliness, and health arrangements through the establishment of camps. Additionally, surveillance and flower showers will be conducted via drones and helicopters.
“I appeal to all devotees of Lord Shiva to ensure that the grace of Devadhidev Mahadev remains upon us. Let us join in an orderly manner and not only enjoy this journey but also demonstrate self-discipline with full faith and devotion, contributing to the progress of the Kanwar Yatra program in this holy Shravan month. My heartfelt best wishes for your smooth and safe journey,” he concluded.
The Chief Minister emphasised that various sections of society and the government are working diligently for the pilgrims. “The government is making extensive efforts, including enhanced patrolling, cleanliness measures, and health camps. Provisions have been made for surveillance and showering of flowers from drones and helicopters as needed,” he reiterated, urging Kanwariyas to not only enjoy the yatra but also contribute to making it a success.
Yogi Adityanath concluded by reaffirming the coordinated efforts of the central and state governments to provide comprehensive arrangements for a safe and orderly Kanwar Yatra. “Measures, including enhanced patrolling, cleanliness measures, and health camps have been put in place to prevent any problems, chaos, or playing with faith,” he added.