The Mahabharat, an ancient Bharatiya epic, narrates the saga of Hastinapur under King Dhritarashtra, whose physical blindness symbolises his inability to see the broader consequences of his decisions, reflecting his inability to govern justly and wisely. His favouritism towards his sons, the Kauravas, clouded his judgement, leading him to consistently favour them over the Pandavas despite the Kauravas’ often malicious actions. This bias caused Dhritarashtra to ignore the wise counsel of advisors like Vidura, who urged him to act impartially and uphold justice. His failure to heed such advice and his persistent partiality deepened the rift between the Kauravas and Pandavas, leading to political instability and setting the stage for the inevitable and devastating conflict.
Drawing Parallel with US President
Key events like the deceitful game of dice, the public humiliation of Draupadi, and the Pandavas’ exile culminated in the catastrophic Kurukshetra war. This epic is a timeless lesson on the perils of weak leadership, favouritism, indecision, and ignoring wise advice in governance. History is repeating itself. Dhritarashtra, the blind and frail head of the state, appears to be President Joe Biden and Government prosecutors’ public humiliation of former President Donald Trump seems like a recipe for internal strife within America. A disclaimer – by no stretch of the imagination, I am inferring that the current Democrats are the Kauravas and the Republicans are the Pandavas. The parties take turns every five years to become the Kauravas here.
Drawing parallels between Dhritarashtra’s lack of vision in the Mahabharat and the actions of recent US Presidents reveals striking similarities in governance challenges and their consequences.
Economic Mishandling
Recent Presidents have often implemented short-term economic policies without fully considering long-term impacts. For example, significant tax cuts, increased infrastructure spending, and welfare payments without corresponding budget reductions have increased America’s national debt to highs not seen in human history, potentially undermining the country’s long-term stability.
Decisions to roll back environmental protections in favour of immediate economic gains have overlooked the long-term consequences of climate change, leading to increased polarisation between environmental advocates and industrial interests. Presidents have sometimes appointed individuals to key positions based on loyalty rather than competence, resulting in inefficiencies and controversies. For instance, appointing controversial figures to the Supreme Court has deepened ideological divides. Indecisiveness in addressing healthcare reform has led to a fragmented system that fails to meet the needs of all citizens. The need for a transparent, consistent approach has exacerbated public dissatisfaction and political division. Inconsistent border policies aimed at addressing illegal immigration in the short term have led to significant humanitarian crises, legal challenges, and international condemnation, revealing the failure to consider their broader, long-term impacts on security, human rights, and international relations. Recent Presidents have often favoured their party’s stance on immigration, leading to polarised and fragmented approaches. For instance, attempts to pass comprehensive immigration reform have repeatedly stalled due to partisan disagreements, preventing meaningful progress.
Just as Dhritarashtra’s poor leadership, favouritism and indecision exacerbated the rift between the Kauravas and Pandavas, the actions of recent US Presidents have contributed to deepening political polarisation. This divide has led to legislative gridlock, social unrest, and a growing mistrust in American institutions, including its Supreme Court and the Federal Reserve (the central bank of the United States). The inability to address critical issues collaboratively and the focus on short-term gains over long-term stability echo the flaws in Dhritarashtra’s governance, highlighting the timeless relevance of Mahabharat’s lessons.
The tragic tale of Hastinapur serves as a profound cautionary tale for our times. The blind king Dhritarashtra’s frailty was responsible for the destruction of Kauravas – his own kin. President Biden’s recent indecision or decision about whether to run for the second time as the President illustrates the weakness of contemporary American democracy. America stands at a critical juncture. Like Hastinapur of old, this nation faces deepening divisions and escalating polarisation. These rifts threaten its unity and the very fabric of its democratic institutions. The time for introspection and action is now. The consequences of ongoing nepotism, where personal loyalties eclipse the common good, are becoming dire. They are sowing seeds of discord and undermining trust in US democratic processes.
The famed American spirit of statesmanship, drawing inspiration from the enduring wisdom of its founding fathers and its hard-earned lessons of history, has fallen by the side in the hunger for power. America’s primary political parties and systems are now led by power-hungry, old, frail puppets of wealthy influencers. American citizens no longer have a choice to choose leaders who embody integrity, empathy, and a steadfast commitment to the principles that defined American democracy in the previous centuries. The need for such leaders is more pressing than ever.
Instead of bringing Americans together, current contenders for the Presidentship of the United States are competing to steer them into the metaphorical Kurukshetra that threatens to engulf them. On September 1, 2022, Joe Biden said the Republican Party is “dominated, driven, intimidated by Donald Trump” and his supporters, calling the Republican Party “a threat to this country.” On November 11, 2023, Donald Trump said, “We pledge to you that we will root out Communists, Marxists, fascists, and the radical Left thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our country,”
Let us hope that America forges a future in which its strength is derived from its democracy rather than its military or economy. For now, while listening to the tale, it has become difficult to distinguish whether it is about the United States of America or Hastinapur.