In Kerala’s Tirur, a fast-track court has convicted Abdur Rahiman (51), a Madrasa teacher, for sexually assaulting a minor girl under the age of seven. The court sentenced him to triple life imprisonment, alongside 15 years of imprisonment across various charges. Additionally, a fine of Rs 1.5 lakh was imposed, with an alternative of facing an additional two years in prison if the fine is not paid.
Abdur Rahiman, the convicted Madrasa teacher, was sentenced in Cheruparambi, located in southern Kuttur. The Tirur Police had filed charges against him for sexually assaulting a student in a classroom in the Tirur area during April and May 2016.
Special Court Judge Reno Francis Xavier tried the case at the Tirur Fast Track Court, who subsequently sentenced the accused. Following the sentencing, he was transferred to Tavanur Central Jail.
Several Madrasa teachers in Kerala have recently been convicted and sentenced to rigorous imprisonment for sexually assaulting minors. According to a report by Mathrubhumi on June 27, a teacher was sentenced to 29 years in prison and fined Rs 2.5 lakh for sexually assaulting a Madrasa student. The report mentioned that Muhammad (58) of Chakalanikart house in Arukutty Vadutala was convicted by a special fast-track POCSO court in Cherthala. Meanwhile, in another heinous case of crime against a minor, a convict was sentenced to 55 years of rigorous imprisonment.
On June 30, a man named Edakkara Unichantam Pudhuvanchola Jinshad (27) was sentenced to 55 years of rigorous imprisonment for torturing an eight-year-old boy. The court also imposed a fine of Rs 85,000 on him. The Fast Track Special Court specified that failure to pay the fine would result in an additional imprisonment of 21 months, to be served concurrently with the sentence.
Earlier on June 25, Abdul Karimi (64), a resident of Cherp Padinjattumuri, was sentenced to three life terms and six years of rigorous imprisonment for raping a minor girl and impregnating her. Judge Jayaprabhu of Special POCSO Court No. 2 also fined him Rs 3,75,000. Karimi was found guilty of sexually assaulting the girl while she was alone at home, resulting in her pregnancy.