Despite criticism from the DMK and its allies, Tamil Nadu Governor RN Ravi went ahead with celebrating Saint Thiruvalluvar’s birthday on Vaikasi Anusham at Raj Bhavan, challenging the date change instituted by former CM M Karunanidhi in 1971. Governor Ravi emphasised the significance of marking Thiruvalluvar’s birth on his traditional star date, Vaikasi Anusham, instead of the second day of Thai, which follows the Pongal festival.
“As a devotee of Thiruvalluvar, I have read several translations of Thirukkural. Some translations of Thirukkural, the greatest treasure of mankind, appear to be one-sided,” said Governor Ravi during the event. His remarks underscored a commitment to preserving the historical and cultural integrity of Thiruvalluvar’s legacy.
The celebration at Raj Bhavan saw Thiruvalluvar’s portrait adorned with saffron clothes, holy ash, and kumkum on his forehead, reflecting traditional Tamil honours. The Raj Bhavan referred to the day as Vaikasi Anusham Valluvar Thirunaal.
Despite longstanding tradition and criticism from the DMK and its allies, Tamil Nadu Governor RN Ravi celebrated Saint Thiruvalluvar’s birth anniversary on Vaikasi Anusham at Raj Bhavan. This move challenges the date set by former Chief Minister M Karunanidhi in 1971, when the DMK government declared the second day of the Thai Tamil month as Thiruvalluvar Day, aligning it with Pongal celebrations.
Governor Ravi emphasized the cultural and historical significance of celebrating Thiruvalluvar’s birth on his traditional star date, Vaikasi Anusham. “It is a matter of pride for us that Thiruvalluvar was born on this Punniya Bhoomi (Tamil Nadu) and spoke and wrote in the most ancient and rich Tamil language. Thiruvalluvar is the most precious divine gift to humanity. Let us all celebrate him and his legacy and strive to live by his teaching, which would be the most befitting tribute to Thiruvalluvar,” said Governor Ravi during the event.
— Bharathiyin bharatham (@bharatha_desam) May 25, 2024
The Raj Bhavan justified the celebration, stating, “Thiruvalluvar Thirunaal (Vaikasi Anusham) has been traditionally observed, continuing the legacy of eminent Tamil scholars Maraimalai Adigal, TP Meenakshisundaram, and Vi. Kalyanasundaram.”
Historically, Tamil scholars, writers, and historians have claimed that the celebration of Thiruvalluvar’s birthday on Vaikasi Anusham dates back approximately 600 years. Despite the DMK’s secular portrayal of Thiruvalluvar in a white robe without sacred ash or thread, Tamil cultural enthusiasts have continued to observe his birth anniversary in Vaikasi.
— RAJ BHAVAN, TAMIL NADU (@rajbhavan_tn) May 24, 2024
He said “ Thiruvalluvar teaches us the lessons of life. Thirukurral is the most comprehensive compendium and perhaps the most exhaustive treatise on an integral life- a life in all its facets and fullness”.’
— RAJ BHAVAN, TAMIL NADU (@rajbhavan_tn) May 24, 2024
Recalling his first connect with Thiruvalluvar and Thirukkural, Governor Ravi said “My relationship with Thirukkural began in class IX. In 1964, during Saraswati Pooja at my school, I found Thirukkural in the library while searching for inspirational books. Through the Kural, I learned that with determination, nothing is impossible. This has guided me throughout my life. Thirukkural was the first book I purchased upon arriving in Tamil Nadu”.
He said that since his childhood and how some Kurals have shaped and transformed his life. He said “My current assignment Tamil Nadu gave me an opportunity to study Thirukkural in depth. I am amazed at the wide range and enormous depth of life. Thirukkural is the most comprehensive compendium and perhaps the most exhaustive treatise on an integral life- a life in all facets and fullness. I had read several translation and commentaries on Thirukkural- written mostly from intellectual, ideological on spiritual perspective”.
Raj Bhavan Press Release: 25
— RAJ BHAVAN, TAMIL NADU (@rajbhavan_tn) May 25, 2024
He said, “Thirukkural is a true Dharmasastra. This day (Vaikasi Anusham) is the authentic Thiruvalluvar Day. Historically, it hasn’t been given its due importance as Thiruvalluvar Day. As a devotee of Thiruvalluvar, I decided to celebrate this day in a special manner. Vaikasi Anusham itself must be observed as Thiruvalluvar Day in the Tamil calendar.”
During the event, Governor Ravi emphasized the profound legacy of Thiruvalluvar, describing him as “too big for an ordinary human mind to have full grasp of him and his teachings.” He highlighted Thiruvalluvar’s comprehensive guidance on righteous conduct, devotion to Adhi Bhagavan, societal harmony, governance, asceticism, agriculture, and universal love. “His nudge to search for the truth and transcend beyond the knowledge of the physical world gained through the five senses makes one wonder how it could be possible for a human being to contemplate, conceive, and concisely yet lucidly put all these in beautifully composed flawless verses,” Ravi remarked.
Governor Ravi called for the celebration of Thiruvalluvar’s legacy and teachings as a tribute to the saint. He noted Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s admiration for Thiruvalluvar, as evidenced by his frequent citations of Thirukkural in speeches, and hinted at initiatives to promote Thirukkural as a global literary work. “Let us continue to celebrate it as our proud heritage and in a traditional manner. As per our thousands-year-old tradition, the auspicious Vaikasi Anusham is the day to celebrate Thiruvalluvar Day,” Ravi stated.
Earlier in the day, on the pious occasion of Thiruvalluvar Thirunaal Vizha (Vaikasi Anusham Valluvar Thirunaal), Governor Ravi visited the Arulmigu Thiruvalluvar Temple in Mylapore for a divine darshan and later paid floral tributes to Saint Thiruvalluvar at Raj Bhavan. He also launched an e-flipbook titled “Thiruvalluvar – Patron Saint of Tamil Nadu,” authored by Dr. D.K. Hari and Dr. D.K. Hema Hari, during the function at Bharathiar Mandapam.
Prof Sami Thiyagarajan, president of Thiruvalluvar Thirunal Kazhagam, emphasized the significance of Vaikasi Anusham Thirunaal day and presented details of the celebration. The event also included a cultural program featuring a performance by Bharathi Thirumagan and her troupe, which enthralled the audience.
Eminent personalities and cultural figures were honored by Governor Ravi with shawls and plaques. The event was attended by Madras High Court Judge GR Swaminathan, Swami Mahendra of Adhi Sankarar Thirumadam, Central Institute of Classical Tamil Director R Chandrasekaran, and Governor’s Secretary Kirlosh Kumar, who shared the stage with the Governor.