Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, attacked West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee for clashes during Ram Navami in Murshidabad. He blamed TMC for the attack on Ram Navami processions and hurting the ‘Sanatan’ faith.
“Ram Navami celebrations and processions were conducted safely in all the states ruled by the BJP, but due to the TMC Government of West Bengal, Ram Navami processions were attacked there and efforts were made to hurt ‘Sanatan’ faith. We should not forget that the first condition of good governance is the rule of law and there is no hesitation in saying that under the leadership and guidance of Modi ji, the BJP has improved security within the country and the State Governments of the BJP have also improved security within the states.”
Earlier on April 18, West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee claimed that the BJP orchestrated the recent clash in Murshidabad on April 19.Reportedly, clashes broke out during a Ram Navami procession in West Bengal’s Murshidabad district, resulting in numerous injuries on April 19.
“I am challenging and saying that BJP orchestrated the incident that happened the other day… If I ask the BJP commission why they removed their DIG one day before Ram Navami,? Was it to plan this?” CM Banerjee said this at a public rally in Raiganj.
CM Yogi stated that Rajasthan would contribute to BJP’s victory with a significant majority by embracing Modi’s model of nationalism, development, security, and good governance. “Rajasthan will contribute to the victory of BJP with a huge majority by accepting Modi ji’s model of nationalism, development, security and good governance,” he said.
The Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh expressed confidence that the BJP will perform well in Rajasthan’s Lok Sabha elections, as it did in the previous elections. “I have full confidence that in the last Lok Sabha elections in Rajasthan, 25 seats were given to the BJP, this time also Rajasthan will give a 100 per cent result in favour of the BJP,” he said.
(with inputs from ANI)