Amidst escalating legal troubles, Atishi Marlena, a Minister with the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP), held a press conference after fellow AAP Minister Kailash Gehlot was summoned by the Enforcement Directorate (ED) regarding the Delhi Liquor Policy scam case. Expressing concerns over her potential involvement, Marlena pre-empted ED actions by suggesting that she could be the next target for interrogation or arrest.
Reports indicate mounting legal complications for Marlena, particularly as she served as the AAP’s In-charge for the Goa elections in 2022. The ED alleges that proceeds from the Liquor Policy scam, totaling Rs 45 crores, were used during the state polls.
According to a Times Now report, Marlena was the party’s In-charge during the period when funds from the Liquor scam were utilised for campaigning in Goa. The report cites a letter addressed by Marlena to the Election Commission, where she identified herself as the party’s In-charge for the Goa polls. With the ED’s focus on AAP’s involvement in the scam, Marlena faces heightened scrutiny.
Earlier this week, AAP Goa State President Amit Palekar and three others were questioned by the ED for their alleged receipt of proceeds from the Liquor scam for campaign purposes. ND Gupta, AAP MP, and Kejriwal’s Personal Secretary, reportedly submitted a statement indicating that both the National Convenor, Arvind Kejriwal, and the state head, Atishi Marlena, were aware of the financial transactions linked to the Goa election campaign.
The legal doctrine of vicarious liability could implicate Marlena further, with Additional Solicitor General Raju suggesting that every individual responsible for the conduct of the AAP should be held accountable. As Marlena served as the AAP’s Goa In-charge in 2022, she may face legal ramifications under this doctrine.